Chapter 302:

Thunderbolt Confession


Immediately leaping off the ride, the kids screamed as they scrambled to react, grabbing Tala’s shoe seconds before it completely left the range of their grasp.

<What the->

Hugging onto Gen’s body tightly, they swung back and forth as the ride chugged forward into the coming interior section, the floor of which would decapitate the both of them if they weren’t quick. While they weren’t sure if even the three of their allies could sustain their own and Gen’s weight, the grappler had to make a gamble as they grit their teeth.

The wires retracted into the grabber’s hands as he fell down, the sisters and Nate feeling the weight of Tala and Gen as their feet struggled to stay attached to the ride.

“PULL!!!” Tara screeched as the interior section’s death sentence rushed towards them.

 For just a moment, they considered what it would be like to die without ever telling him how they felt.

Flame rushed into the children’s skulls. With all the strength they had, they fought to reel their friend back inside the ride- Nate forcing back the killing pain literally running through his veins, the sisters fighting through every memory they’d ever gotten through already as they called upon that strength and bravery just one final time.

They entered the interior section.

Gen and Tara’s bodies flopped safely down onto the floor as the ride flipped upward again.

Katie shook. Frankie cried. They all collapsed, sitting on the ground, the thrill ride no longer even feeling like it was moving, let alone scaring them. Nate just stared at the sisters, looking at those faces of theirs- even if they were terrified now, they looked so strong before. He wondered if there was any point in trying to become like them in a life like his.

Gen regained consciousness, staring up at the black ceiling in relived confusion. Panting, lying on the ground, Tala rolled over and hugged him.

“I love you.”

Steward McOy