Chapter 16:


Hellmurder Girls

Thanks for reading the HELLMURDER GIRLS horror anthology.

I have been through all sorts of all-time highs and lows this month, and they inevitably shaped much of this collection, even if some of the stories were older ones I just hadn’t finished yet. And I’m happy to say this chapter of my life ended off on a positive note, even if this collection wasn’t the same. I had a couple stories thought up to cap it off with, but they all got knocked out of the park when I had the nightmare that would eventually become Virgin Offering.

I’m not really gonna ask for feedback/criticism this time? This collection’s just a lot more personal than the last to the point where its purpose is more venting than it is showing off. But by all means, if you connected with something in here, I’d still be happy to know anyway.

At the time of writing this I’m about to start penning the concluding arc to my longest-running novel, Museworld. I don’t know what I’ll do after that, in terms of Honeyfeed stuff. Maybe take a break? I hope I take a break. It's been a year.

If you’re sad and didn’t get anything out of this, I hope you just take away that sometimes, things in your life will change beyond recognition, so you don’t really have to worry about the future as much as you might think you do. There’s no telling where you’ll end up wandering in this forest of madness.

Do something that makes you happy. Thanks.
