Chapter 1:

The Flask Devoid of Spirit

The Flask Devoid of Spirit

How does a man bear watching Death pluck out his fellows one by one — as he, himself, wither away, waiting for his turn? The very fellows he grew up with, labored with, and drank with — Now all gone lest a fading memory. A memory that even he himself has grown unsure as each passing day warps his life into a blur.

In the mirror is the shadow of his glory — his girthy legs had grown thin, his articulate fingers now shaky, his sharp eyes now droopy. He sits alone, decades past his prime, filled with dread, grief, and frustration on the ephemerality of life. All these swirling emotions then shortly drowned into an all-encompassing void — Emptiness.

Hurried steps caught his attention, bringing him out of his reverie. It was his grandchildren playing chase — creating a scenery of joy and youthful chatter — just beyond the door of the room that had confined him for so long.

His grandson caught his gaze and returned a smile. A life beyond his own awaits the child. Years beyond his passing, this young one shall live in a world he could only dream about — in a time where his existence is nothing but a memory. For how long will his vestiges last in the mind of this young one, he wonders.

The old man then recalls his own late grandfather — on a busy day — gazing upon the shenanigans of him and his cousins. Then after a while, his grandfather, without a smile nor a change of expression, just walks away and proceeds with his own busy day.

To be born, to labor, to love, and to fade away; Is this how life was intended to be lived?

As decrepit as he may be, he was once a man who carried the world — respected by many. Even before that, he was once merely a child who relished the world — loved by many. Unfortunately, all those who respected and loved him — are now long gone. And now he is neither a child nor a man, only a withering cask devoid of spirit. His time and all those who shared it, are now long gone.

Emptiness: Is this how his grandfather felt? Or was he thinking too much? His grandfather was a carpenter, a simple man, while he was an intellectual — a professional, educated and elevated from the masses. While his grandfather thought of the worries of today and the morrow, his mind ventured the abyss. His acts touched countless lives. He himself lived countless lives. He was a far greater man. But did his stoic grandfather also feel the gaping hole pulling him right now?

He has no means to know. For in the end, as his grandfather was, he was very much limited by his own flesh and time.

He grabbed his cane and shakily stood up. He needed to do something outside his room. Dull clacks were heard every time his cane hit the wooden floor — then suddenly, the clacks became sharp. No longer was his cane hitting wood, it was now hitting clean glass tiles.

Behind him, there was no longer any room, only a white hallway. How did he get here? He has no means to know. For in the end, as his grandfather was, he was very much limited by his own flesh and time.

Nevertheless, he knew of something. He was heading for something, someone. And that someone was just a few doors away. With more shaky steps, he reached a room. Inside — lying on a bed — was a girl touched by time, but regardless retained her beauty from her youth. He approached the girl and with the crumpled back of his hand, he touched her aging cheeks.

She was not the mother to his children, but she was the girl who brought him comfort during his darkest days. Was she her first love? He has grown unsure. But for decades she has remained asleep. And for decades she has lived in dreams — while he lived his dreams.

What difference would it make had they both slept since that eventful day? Will his dreams be sweeter than the dreams he had lived? No matter, they still reached the same conclusion.

He produced both a vial and a syringe from his pocket. Shortly after, the syringe was filled with half of the contents of the vial.

“We have struggled long enough.”

I have kept you waiting.


Years beyond the life he had lived, a young man stood before a decrepit headstone.

The man lights a candle and pays his respects. After that, he remained still. Then after a while, the young man, without a smile nor a change of expression, just walks away and proceeds with his own busy day.