Chapter 3:


Vampire Lanterns

Yan couldn't comprehend what he was witnessing. A wolf changed into a man... that's IMPOSSIBLE! Are all those fairy tales and fables true? The wolf-man reached out his arm and Yan stepped on the gas making him fly over the hood of the car.
Yan checked his mirror just to become mortified as that beast of a wolfman began to collect himself from the ground like nothing happened. The hooded figure looked like, he ran up to help that beast.
Yan sped away, but not home. He wasn't safe there. He had to find another hiding spot. Where could he even hide? He had no parents, no family no friends... He just kept driving until he got an idea. There was no way they could keep up with him speeding like this.
There was an old cabin he liked to spend time in when he wished to be left alone, but would it be fine? It was in the middle of nowhere in the mountains. There is no way... so he decided to hide there until he figured out what to do next. Yan was sure to call "sick" at work for a few days the next morning.

Yan reached the cabin but forgot he had no keys. Of course, he left them at home. "Snap! But... The cellar!" There was that small window... He broke it and climbed inside. Fortunately, he had some spare keys inside, which could be used and after entering he surely boarded that window with some plane wood.
Yan started the heater and finally could calm down. For sure they couldn't follow him until here? Yan dropped on the old-fashioned couch to take a break in front of the fireplace slowly drifting away into the dreamland. The ambient atmosphere he was sleeping in was penetrating his whole body under the fuzzy blanket making him more relaxed and sleep even sweeter... for a bit. He forgot about this cabin because he was so drown in his work, that his life became just one stereotype. Work-Home-Work-Home and on repeat EVERY... SINGLE... DAY!
In the middle of the night, he woke up covered in cold sweat. That hazel eyes can't stop to follow him for a long time now. Who is that woman? Why does she reappear regularly in his dreams? Does he know her? Did he meet her before? So many questions were causing him a headache.
The residue of ash and glowing embers were the only things reminiscent of a fire once raging in the small space. He was thinking about fetching some water, but for that, he would need to go to the well outside. Should he go? Rather not. Yan opted to wait till the sun would be up. These mountains are home to many bears and... WOLVES!

Suddenly he heard a scratching sound from outside. Yan perked up taking a iron stoker into his hand and slowly approaching the window, walking around the ancient furniture to check it out.
The room with a low decorative wooden ceiling was connected to the entrance which was on the left. With a small soul, he tried to push aside the drape with as much caution as he could, so it wouldn't move too much to peek out. His last hope was that those sounds were made by some kind of small animal like a stoat or wild cat.
The front door broke down with a heavy thud. Yan's blood instantly ran cold, but not from the icy breeze coming from outside. The last smoldering ambers went out dipping the whole place into a deep darkness. Just some small light coming from the outside moon illuminated some corners of the cabin.
A distinctive odor of wet dog fur filled the space. Footsteps began to echoing from the short hall. Yan froze in place just watching what would come around the corner. That bipedal wolf-like creature emerged with a slight bow from under the frame so it would fit into the doorway. Two menacing glowing eyes were staring down at Yan.
He could make out just the outline of that beast's body and his furry complex. Yan's breathing almost stopped out of terror. He began to shake violently at the thought of what that THING would do to him if it laid its claws or fangs on his flesh.
For a moment he couldn't move his body out of fear, but he had to break free from it if he desired to live. That shorter guy in a cloak with a hood stepped from behind it.
"Finally, we can talk..."

The stranger was caught short by the sound of an engine from a car approaching the cabin. The headlights momentarily revealed what was hiding in that room together with Yan. He was mortified by seeing at a close distance what was following him the whole time.
That huge beast stood hunched over in the room because the ceiling was too low for him to stand straight. What was its real size then? The werewolf glanced at the car outside making a distinctive shine in his eyes which every canine does by reflecting light.

Yan HAD ENOUGH! He was cornered and he had to get the heck out of there! He remembered the stoker in his hand and used it to break the glass of the window behind him. Clumsily cleaning the edges to possibly not getting any cut. Despite his best efforts, he managed to wound himself on his legs and hands while climbing out.
That much desperation pushed him to go against any pain. Bloodied he ran after the car which was turning and then into reverse. He saw three girls from his work inside. Thankful... even didn't question how they knew he was here outside of the town in the middle of nowhere.

The strange duo panicked and came running outside just in time to see how Yan jumped into the car. The red backlights were slowly disappearing in between the trees. Once more Yan escaped his pursuers. The werewolf looked down at his companion.

That one sighed out of frustration. "Angelika..."