Chapter 9:

Chapter 10

Shattered Aeon

*Next Day*

Davis was a veteran soldier; he had seen some of the worst times during the zombie apocalypse. He had survived it all and he was ready to take on whatever was thrown his way.

He was ready to take on the mission that General Ashford had assigned him. He was taking his unit deep into zombie-filled territory - territory that was supposedly still safe enough to carry out the mission.

But Davis knew better thanks for Abner’s teachings. The zombies were usually less yet terrifying when they were in small numbers. They might still be able to smell the living and attack in hordes. Davis and his unit had to be extra careful, with Abner’s guidance they surely able to hold as best they can.

The unit made camp for one night and prepared for the next day's journey. They kept a round-the-clock guard shift, took turns sleeping in two-hour shifts, and made sure to have their things close at hand. Davis stayed up until dawn, scanning every inch of the land - looking for any sign of the undead.

When morning came, Davis and his unit packed up their equipment and moved out. As they walked, Davis made sure to keep an eye out for the living dead, but luckily, they never saw any.

After travelling for hours on end, Davis and his unit finally reached their destination. As they looked around, they could see that the town was still standing despite the years of destruction. Davis was relieved, he was sure that they were ready to carry out the mission.

But Davis knew that the zombies could still lurk around corners, so they had to remain on guard. As they made their way around the town, they spotted some of the living dead, but luckily, they managed to keep a safe distance and make it through to their destination.

Davis took a deep breath as they reached their point of entry. He was glad that his unit was safe, and he was ready to take on whatever came their way. He had worked hard for this day, and he would accept nothing less than success.

*Meanwhile at Abner’s position*

As Abner still wandering through the ruined city of Phourton for days now as he searched for clues on how to get out of the city. He had been in the city when the zombies ‘attack’ 6 weeks ago, and ever since, he had been desperately searching for any signs of exit. The virus seemed to have struck suddenly and with a ferocity no one had seen coming. Everywhere he looked there were burnt down buildings, destroyed cars, and the corpses of those unfortunate enough to not have survived the outbreak.

He stopped to catch his breath, surveying the destruction that lay before him with a mix of dread and sorrow. He had encountered many undead creatures on his travels, but none had been close to him. He had managed to avoid them, but he guessed his luck may not last forever.

Despite the zombie apocalypse tearing through the city, he refused to give up hope that he would find someone else alive.

Abner was hanging out on the corner of the block when something strange caught his eye. He squinted, trying to make out the figure in the distance, when all of a sudden he felt a cold chill. Was he dreaming? No, there was a zombie standing in front of him, and it was coming closer! Abner started to panic, but then he remembered the butterfly knife he always kept in his pocket for self-defense, incase his rifle got jammed or out of bullets.

He grabbed it and held it in front of him, brandishing the blade at the zombie. The zombie kept coming at him relentlessly, and Abner wondered if it was going to be enough. Then, with surprising agility, he lunged at the zombie and stabbed it in the head with his knife. The zombie collapsed to the ground and Abner let out a sigh of relief.

In that moment, Abner realized he was capable of surviving this nightmare. He had used his knife to protect himself from the zombie, and he had won. From that day onward, he always kept his butterfly knife on him, knowing that it was the only thing that would keep the nightmares away ever since he was a child, for that he was forever thankful.

After that, he left to continue his journey he silently prayed that he found something good to his destination.

Determined to find much-needed supplies, Abner cautiously pressed forward, his eyes scanning the abandoned cars and debris-covered sidewalks. He had been fortunate so far, managing to evade the undead and survive against all odds. It had been a constant battle, one that had cost him friendships and relationships along the way. But he persevered, hungry for survival in this nightmarish existence.

As Abner approached an old convenience store, his heart sank. The windows were broken, and faded signs hung precariously from rusty hinges. Despite his unease, he knew he had to venture inside. With a deep breath, he pushed open the door, its creaky hinges protesting the intrusion.

The stench of death and decay instantly assaulted his senses as he stepped into a dimly lit interior. Tentatively, he glanced around, his eyes adjusting to the dimness. That's when he saw them. His two friends, Sven, and Chiara, lay lifeless on the floor at the back of the store. Their vacant eyes stared into nothingness, the life stolen from them by the relentless hands of the undead.

Abner's heart shattered into a million pieces, disbelief and grief washing over him. These friends, his companions in this unending nightmare, had fought alongside him, their camaraderie offering a flicker of hope in the darkest of times in just a short time.

Kneeling beside them, Abner whispered their names, his voice choked with sorrow. Memories of their laughter, their shared dreams, and their unwavering loyalty flooded his mind. He felt a mix of anger and sadness, cursing this forsaken world that had taken away those he cherished.

But even in the midst of his grief, Abner knew he had to push forward. He couldn't let their deaths be in vain. With renewed determination, he rose to his feet, his eyes hardening. He would honor their memory by surviving, by battling the hordes of the undead, and by finding a way to rebuild a world left broken and scarred.

As he stepped outside, Abner glanced back at the ruined city, a fitting reflection of the destruction he had witnessed. His heart heavy with loss, he clutched the supplies he had managed to scavenge, refusing to let go of the hope that still flickered deep within him.

Abner knew the road ahead would be treacherous, but he also understood that within the darkness, there was a glimmer of light. And with that determination burning in his soul, he vowed to face the future head-on, ready to fight for survival and the memories of those he had lost.

The city may be in ruins, but Abner stood tall amidst the wreckage, a symbol of resilience in the face of unimaginable horror. And with each step he took, the echo of his friends' laughter lingered in his ears, driving him forward to ensure that their sacrifice would never be forgotten.

Shattered Aeon
