Chapter 21:

The life of Serika Midoriya Part 2: Serika's wrath

Escape Witch

Going back in time to August 31st 2017...

Ookuma reclined in a chair as she mused on about how she'd become Prime Minister in 2 months as Serika cut a piece of cake. Suddenly, Ookuma's eyes shot open in shock as she felt a sharp pain in her neck. She then felt another as Serika punched the knife lodged in her neck, shattering it to bits and sending her flying. A demented smile appeared on Ookuma's face as she stared at the enraged Serika before her.

"So, that's how it is! Very well, your death will work just as well!" Ookuma dementedly smiled as she and Serika charged at each other.

"Did you think I never accounted for a betrayal!? Well I always did since the day you were born! But I'm so glad it happened now. Now I can use your death to solidify my rule!" Ookuma dementedly screeched as she punched Serika in the face.

"YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT! I'LL KILL YOU!" Serika screamed as she slugged Ookuma in the gut.

"Are you trying to surpass me? How greedy, but you are spoiled. I should have microchiped you years ago, but I thought you had begun to submit to you fate. I would have allowed you to live at my side and become President of the House of Councilors should you have obediently behaved."


"It is the will of Illumous-"


"So, this is a betrayal then. Did I not tell you that those who betray Illumous are to be subjected to the most inhumane executions imaginable?"

Serika stopped for a moment giving Ookuma an opening to kick her in the left rib cage. Had Serika not been secretly training to build up her strength for 10 years, that blow would have downed her and led to her death. Ookuma expected this too. However, she had  failed to notice Serika's resolve 10 years ago which ultimately led to Serika using her training to tank the attack and deliver a lightning fast roundhouse kick to her neck sending her to the ground in pain. The initial blows Ookuma had received at the start began to ache and immobilized her in pain as Serika pinned her down and began beating her to death with all her strength.

As Serika beat Ookuma to death, a recap of a speech Ookuma made earlier played on the TV.

"Be COURAGEOUS and refuse to give into degeneracy!"


The pool of Ookuma's blood began to get bigger.

"BE COURAGEOUS, and boldly take a stand for what is right!"


"BE COURAGEOUS, and fight back against violence and injustice!"


Ookuma glared with fury through her bruises as Serika punched out the last of her teeth. She angrily mustered her strength to try and bite off Serika's hand with her gums as she chocked on her teeth.

"BE COURAGEOUS, and scoff at the petty scorn and insults the vile and DESPERATE opposition will hurl at you."

Serika simply countered by shattering her mother's jaw with her other hand, instantly releasing her trapped hand.

"No, NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING! HOW COULD SHE HAVE GROWN STRONGER THAN ME!? I MADE SURE TO MEDIATE HER EXERCISE SO SHE'D ALWAYS BE WEAKER THAN ME! NO! I'M GOING TO BECOME PRIME MINISTER! I'M GOING TO BECOME HEAD OF ILLUMOUS! I'M GOING TO RULE THE WORLD! WHAT HAPPENED!?" Ookuma frantically thought as she moaned in pain, and terror and gazed up at a wrathful Serika pulling back her fist for the finishing blow.

"BE COURAGEOUS, and hold your head high with pride knowing that you chose to be courageous and walk the path courageousness."


Ookuma's eyes twitched rapidly as her body began to go limp and her brain guts began to leak out of her thick skull onto the floor. Serika then hurled the TV remote at the TV shattering it. She then dragged Ookuma's barely living body to the kitchen and grabbed a sharp knife. She then began hacking at Ookuma's neck. Ookuma meekly moaned in pain as tears began to pour out of her eyes and her head was crudely severed. Even then, Ookuma still barely clung to life.

"No, how could you!? I was going to become Queen of the world," Ookuma meekly thought as Serika grabbed some things from the cupboard before dragging her head and body into the bathtub.

Ookuma's eye twitched as Serika drenched her head and body in cooking oil before lighting a match. A meek, but somewhat loud scream escaped Ookuma's shattered jaw as she was incinerated to death in a sea of fire. Ruchi Ookuma was finally dead. Serika however didn't celebrate until barely any ashes remained of Ruchi. Then, she let out a victory scream, before heading back to the kitchen to grab a knife.

"I've gotta get out of here, but I can't just run out covered in sludge. _!"

A wave of panic suddenly overtook Serika as she realized Illumous would now be hunting her down. She frantically ran back into the bathroom, stripped, and hopped in the shower. She then began shaving all the sludge colored hair off her head and body until she was completely devoid of hair. Cuts and scrapes littered her now porcelain smooth skin as tears began to pour out of her eyes as she gazed at herself in the mirror.

"Not a trace of sludge anywhere on me. Finally! I'm sludge free! _! Shit, I better rip my eyelashes out too. I can't risk being identified!" Serika thought.

Once she was done, she ran to the living room and reached for some money on the table, but stopped.

"Mao, every bill can be identified with a serial number," Ruchi's voice echoed in her mind.

Serika fearfully retreated and begun spreading flammable liquids all throughout the house. She refused to wear any clothes, both out of hatred that her mother picked them and fear that they could identify who she was. She did however, smash open Ruchi's safe and grab all the incriminating SD cards Ruchi had in it.

"That bitch kept these for a reason. Pretty sure it was to ensure none of her stooges would turn on her. I can't let these burn. Just hope there's nothing about me on them," Serika thought as she shoved the SD cards in a case which she placed securely into her breasts.

She then lit a match and set the house ablaze before leaping out a window and charging into the forest.

"SHIT SHIT SHIT! WHY'D I TAKE THESE SD CARDS WITH ME!? I DON'T KNOW WHAT'S ON EM! AND IF SOMEONE CATCHES ME WITH EM... I GOTTA RUN!" Serika frantically thought as her legs carried her into the woods.

There, exhaustion finally began to kick in. Serika frantically began burying herself with dirt in an attempt to hide, before she succumbed to exhaustion.

Back in the present...

“I made sure her body was destroyed, before I stripped and shaved all my hair off. I didn’t care how weird or bloody I became, I just didn’t want any of that bitch’s sludge to be present on me. I guess you could say I was truly becoming a blank slate for my new life. Once I was completely devoid of every last glob of that bitch’s sludge, I burned everything in that damn place down. I didn’t take any clothes or money with me. It was both out of the hatred that I didn’t want anything more to do with that bitch and fear that bringing something like her cash would link me back to her. I did take all the SD cards she kept in a safe which had incriminating footage of her allies on them," Serika stated.

"Why would she have that?" Madoka asked.

"Probably to prevent them from betraying her.  Apparently her secretary was a world class blackmailer as well. Though I'm glad I snagged that. It proved vital in saving my ass and leading to that piece of shit's party being completely booted from the government. As for how I was saved, Sensei was the one to find me in the wilderness," Serika stated.

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