Chapter 10:

IX. Departure's Tearful Vow

Attack On Titan - Ackerman's Legacy


Roku's resolve to leave the underground and pursue a life beyond its suffocating confines became a steadfast determination. Yet, the farewell he had to bid to Levi, his companion in the shadows, weighed heavily on his heart.

Roku's decision to leave the confines of the underground and venture to the outer walls grew resolute.

The longing to join the Training Corps was an initial step toward the Survey Corps. Roku found himself facing Levi, the unspoken truth lingering between them like a palpable ache.

"I'm leaving, Levi," Roku's voice quivered,

"Were to?" Levi asked

"I will be leaving the underground, I will join the Training Corps", Levi's brows furrowed, a mix of anger and hurt dancing in his eyes. "But why??",

"It was the condition Kenny made with the higher-ups to let go of me",

"So, you'll just leave me here?"

"I have to do this, Levi." Roku's tone was fraught with emotion, a mixture of hurt and anger etched on his face, a hint of vulnerability seeping through his facade.

"I have to do this, Levi," Roku murmured, his eyes reflecting a tumult of emotions. Levi's expression hardened.

"I don't need you. I'm fine on my own," he retorted, trying to mask the hurt brewing within him. Roku felt a pang of sorrow at Levi's words.

"I'll come to visit you, Levi. I promise," he offered, hoping to mend the rift that their impending separation had caused.

"You'll only mess up the place if you do," Levi replied, the bitterness in his tone shrouding the underlying pain.

Their conversation, fraught with unspoken sentiments and the weight of their connection, held a tinge of sadness. It was a painful farewell, marked by the understanding that their paths were diverging, at least for now.

Their parting conversation echoed in his mind, a poignant reminder of their shared bond and the pain of separation.

It was a journey Roku knew he had to undertake, but the ache of leaving someone behind, someone who had become family in the desolate underworld, gnawed at his soul.

The night before his departure was restless. Roku's thoughts wandered, caught between the excitement of new prospects and the melancholy of leaving Levi alone.

The morning sun peeked through the grime-stained windows, casting an amber glow over the room. The air was heavy with unspoken words as Roku prepared to leave. His bags were packed, his resolve steeled, but his heart was burdened by the prospect of saying goodbye.

"Levi," Roku called out, a quiver in his voice betraying the emotions he tried so hard to conceal, Levi stood in the doorway, "I will be leaving now",

"Don't you dare do something reckless idiot," Levi told Roku as he was leaving, "Don't worry, I won't" Roku replied with a smile on his face

Kenny's assurance and connections had secured his passage to the world beyond the underground.

With a final glance back, Roku stepped into the light of the surface. The vastness of the world outside beckoned, promising adventure, uncertainty, and the chance to make a mark beyond the shadowed alleys of his past.

As he embarked on this new journey, an amalgam of emotions surged within him – the eagerness to explore, the apprehension of the unknown, and the poignant longing for the companion he had left behind.

The future awaited, a canvas yet to be painted, but the memories of the underground and the bond he shared with Levi lingered like a silent promise in the recesses of his heart.


End of the Chapter
