Chapter 7:

Missing Link VII

REIN: Nightmare Trials

As we reached the chosen spot for our impromptu picnic, the scene felt oddly familiar. Lily and Lia sat upon white sheets sprawled against the lush green grass, mirroring our previous rendezvous. Yet, subtle differences emerged—logs of wood branches flanked the sheets, casting an air of rustic charm, and an additional figure joined our company, emanating an aura of despondency.It was apparent that we couldn't entirely hold him accountable for his state. His struggle was a shared experience, one that linked us all in a web of understanding and compassion. As I spoke up, "We're back," Aria placed the collection of ingredients beside the white sheet. The response was swift, accompanied by a slightly melancholic tone, "Oh... welcome back. It was shorter than I anticipated."Aria's reply prompted a quizzical look from me."What did you think I went to do?" I questioned, curiosity dancing in my eyes. Her response hinted at a sense of time warped by anticipation. "I see that your numbers have grown," Lia observed, a playful hint in her voice. Turning my head, I followed her gaze to find him approaching. Running like an eager student towards his favorite teacher, he appeared both earnest and forlorn.His arrival at the sheets was marked by a sudden halt, his form sinking into a kneel. In a voice strangled by emotion, he stammered, "H-hear this... Blur, he ignored me." Lily's response was tender and maternal, a nurturing embrace offered with open arms and a soothing tone. She cradled him against her chest, her voice a lullaby of reassurance accompanied by an endearing smile. In his eyes, she likely appeared as a guardian angel, a symbol of unwavering support.As the tears ebbed, a different atmosphere took hold. A profound intensity radiated from behind Aliza, a force that demanded attention. His gaze followed the source of this burgeoning aura to Lia, whose expression held a clear warning: "Cease this behavior or face the consequences." It was a glance laden with a quiet threat, one that bespoke the dynamics and complexities of their interactions.The scene encapsulated the intricacies of our shared dynamics—moments of solace, camaraderie, and unspoken tensions. Aria and I had returned to a tableau enriched by the presence of those who knew us, understood us, and sometimes challenged us. It was a snapshot of our shared life within the enigmatic cloud garden, where relationships intertwined and flourished in the midst of our extraordinary circumstances. —The embodiment of a vengeful spirit, now in a tangible form, loomed over our gathering. From his observations, it was clear that any lingering discontent within her spirit could lead to unforeseen turmoil. An attempt to rectify the situation saw him perform an abrupt turnaround, arms reversed as he knelt in a dogeza position, and a whispered apology escaped his lips, accompanied by a chill that crept down his spine.As curiosity gripped me, I inquired, "Where's Liza?" Her absence piqued my interest, prompting a response from Lily. "Hmm... It's strange because I thought she was with us." "Ah, if you're looking for her, she's right there."Lia's words led my gaze upward, where an unexpected sight awaited. The shadow was expanding, coalescing from obscurity into discernible form. A sharp thud reverberated, gravity pulling me down as I scrambled to process the figure materializing above.
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