Chapter 14:

The Eye Of The Storm

Living with a Ghost: I Wasn't Able to be Reincarnated so, I Became a Ghost.

I head out the door and walk down the street pleased with how everything went.

I got everything in motion now but, what is next on the agenda really?

I mean I could wait for them to go to the university and see how things go.

That’s all well and good but, from there how do I want to handle this?

I guess everything really depends on if he goes to the university or not.

I think I spooked him enough that he will go and I’m pretty sure he got the second-hand message from Takahiro.

Not to mention that was pretty eventful and that tension was really thick in that room.

Actually, now that I think about it, I do deserve a break.

I wonder if my parents have anything offered up to me at home.

Forget walking there I’ll just take the quick way to my parents’ house.

Time for the usual ritual of closing my eyes and thinking of where to go.

Once I open my eyes, I am in the living room and my parents are there as well.

Dad is sitting watching TV and mom seems to be preparing dinner.

There is a cup of milk tea at the shrine for me but, I don’t need to scare my parents to death by having a cup floating in the middle of the room.

I walk upstairs and go to my room.

Aw man I wish I at least had my “Witches Academy” books here to read.

Yeah, I do have other books here but I really want to know how the series ends.

I know, speaking of university, they had them there at the library.

It should be pretty empty since it’s Saturday so I should be able to “borrow” it and then put it back later.

It is a library after all and loaning books out is their duty to the students even if I’m not a student anymore but, I was when I died so that should count, right?

OK, that’s it. I’ll go there and “check the book out” and come back and finish up where I left off and then return it.

When I finish my normal steps for fast travel, I find myself in the university library that Shinichi and I went to.

Four years later and it really hasn’t changed one bit.

It is a library after all so what is there really to change, it’s pretty perfect as is.

I walk up and down the aisles, look around at the tables and remember the times Shinichi and I would come here and study or just relax reading together when the weather was bad outside.

There are a few people scattered around the library but, luckily none by the area I am going to.

I know where the “Witches Academy” is so I head right there.

Hey they the whole series now, that’s convenient.

Since I’m almost done with the second book I look around, reach out and grab the second and third books and then fast travel back to my room.

I lay down on my bed and continue where I was in the second book.

Ah, it’s so peaceful like when Shinichi and I would go out to a park or café and just relax.

I have a week before Shinichi goes to see Takahiro’s project.

I get near the end of the second book and I hear footsteps and my parents talking as they make their way down the hall way toward my room.

I hastily shove both books under my bed just to be safe.

“…and so, I think it’s time to pack up the room.” My mom says as she opens the door.

“I got it. Are you ready to go back to work?”

“Yeah, I’m sure and the first thing I need to do is make a small office for when I need to work on things here.”

“Alright we’ll get everything packed and stored this coming weekend and you just work on finding your new job.”

They walk back out and close the door.

Oh, this bad.

I won’t have an oasis to retreat to in times like this.

This is my room!

I grew up here.

I slept here.

I studied here.

These are the books I read many times.

Shinichi and I had sex on this very bed.

All these memories will be lost.

This was a part of my life.

What am I gonna do?

What can I do?

I collapse to the floor and start crying.

I think I finally know how my parents and Shinichi felt when I died.

I continue to wallow while on the floor.

What is going to happen to everything here?

There is a part of my life in everything here.

I start to take a deep breath and try to calm down.

Just as I begin to pick myself up off the floor, I notice a pair of legs in front of me.

Renga Kabe