Chapter 16:


Living with a Ghost: I Wasn't Able to be Reincarnated so, I Became a Ghost.

We open our eyes and we are in a bedroom belonging to a small boy.

I’m guessing this is her son’s room.

It’s a pretty normal room for a four-year-old boy.

There’s no desk but, there is a box with toys in it.

Nothing too out of the ordinary for his age, mostly toy insects, shape changing robots and super sentai figures.

There’s not a lot of them so it doesn’t seem like he’s being spoiled, just enough for him to be a kid and play.

Her son is asleep in the bed.

“He’s a very cute boy. I’m sure he’ll have all the girls chasing after him once he hits school.”

“He is only four years old; it is much too soon to be even thinking such thoughts.”

“Oh, come on, I’m not saying he should be a skirt chaser or strive to be a harem manga protagonist, especially since he’s so young, just that I’m sure he’ll be smart and handsome once he grows up. I mean his mother is very pretty after all.”

Even though we’re ghosts, Hiroko’s face is really red from embarrassment.

“I…I did not bring you here to discuss my son’s future romantic prospects. There is a problem with my son. He appears to be afflicted with a rather odd disease.”

“I see, have you tried going into his dreams yet?”

“Yes, I did. I did not see anything too out of the ordinary.”

“Hmm, let me see.”

I put my hand on Hiroki’s forehead, close my eyes and try to enter his dreams.

I get faint images mostly just thoughts of Hiroki subliminally making choices.

Things like go here, do this.

I can’t see the actual dreams myself.

“That’s interesting.” I say to Hiroko. “I don’t think I can actually enter his dreams. I just get some random thoughts most likely him making choices navigating his dreams.”

“That is very interesting indeed. I had no issues seeing his dreams before.”

“I wonder why that is. I have an idea though. I think I was able to enter Takahiro and Shinichi’s dreams because I had a personal connection with them. I had only just met you so I never met you or your son before I died.”

“Your hypothesis seems very sound.”

“Look at you with the scientific speak. So, you say he’s sick but I don’t see anything on the outside that seems like he’s sick.”

“It does not happen all the time but while he is asleep, he will break into a sweat and I even used a thermometer to check his temperature and he had a fever of 39.4’ C. His breathing is very labored as well.”

“Wow that is pretty high. It doesn’t seem to be happening now. I’m gonna take a guess. Is there a specific time at night it happens?”

“I do not recall the exact time but, it typically occurs sometime after midnight.”

I let out a chuckle.

Oh, the irony.

It has to be a coincidence, right?

“What is wrong?”

“Sorry, but have you heard of something called “The Witching Hour?”

“I cannot say that I have. What is that exactly? It does not sound good at all.”

“It’s something from western history. It referred to the time just after midnight when it was thought that witches and other evil spirits would be the most active.”

“Oh, surely that must be coincidental.”

“I know right? However, it’s been said that during that time the body is more likely to prone to illnesses like: lung disease, the flu and the common cold. In the Dark and Middle Ages being hit with those diseases were scary and you’d want a way to explain it so they just defaulted to religious beliefs and blamed it on witches or demons.”

“I see. Do you think this is something that is happening to Hiroki now?”

“What? Nah. That’s all just crazy superstition to explain the scientific situation of the body’s immune system becoming over active and white blood cells are fighting off any infections and thus makes the symptoms seem worse than they are.”

“Wow, that is a quite in-depth explanation.”

“Meh, I was always interested in the occult stuff but Shinichi told me about the real reason it happens. So, putting both together you get the whole picture.”

“Wow you two really did complement each other.”

“I liked to think so. Did you try to use one of your cranes to help him?”

“Yes, I did however, nothing happened.”


I just had a thought and this seems really crazy but, it’s possible.

“Did you think of something?”

“Well, you know how we were sent here by God, right?”

“Of course, how could I forget something like that.”

“It was kind of a rhetorical question but, I thought that since we’re dealing with God and ghosts why can’t what’s afflicting Hiroki be both? I mean maybe there’s something that’s making a disease he has flare up or something.”

“That seems quite ludicrous under normal situations but, given our current circumstances it seems plausible. Assuming you are right, if we can get rid of this possessive creature then I could cure him? I assume that’s what you mean.”

“Yeah, pretty much but, I can’t go in there myself. Not to sound mean but, he’s your son so, it’s all up to you.”

I pat her on the back.

“Yes, I understand. It does not seem it is time yet but, what should I look for once I enter?”

“Well, I’d say look for something off. You’ve only been with him a few days now so; you’ll have to use your knowledge of him and Hideki.”

“I see, yes, I think I understand.”

As we go what Hiroko’s course of action, Hiroki starts to breathe rapidly and his face starts to become flush.

“Well, it looks like it’s your time to shine.”

Hiroko goes over to Hiroki and places her hands on his head, one on each side of his face.

Her eyes close and her head slumps down.

So that’s what I looked like when I was going in to Shinichi’s dreams.

Suddenly Hiroko reaches out with her left hand and grabs my arm.

Everything goes black and then I am floating inside Hiroki’s dreamworld next to Hiroko.

“WOW I didn’t think this was possible. You surprise me all the time Hiroko.”

“I…I just instinctually reached out to you after I saw, that!”

She points to herself sitting in a park with her son, watching him play while she pays little attention to him and more attention to her smartphone.

“I don’t get it, looks like a typical scene of a little boy playing in a nearby park while his mother watches on.”

“That is NOT me! I would never neglect him like that.”

“Well, he doesn’t really know you so it could be just a semi-ideal day out at the park with the mom he never got to know.”

Just as I was dismissing the whole scene the dream Hiroko gets up, goes over to Hiroki grabs his arm and starts taking him away, Hiroki protesting and struggling.

He’s being pulled toward a pond that appeared suddenly.

Dreams, they’re pretty weird.

Hiroko, the real one that is, rushes to the pair and just lands a full force punch right to the face of the “fake” Hiroko.

WOW! I never knew she had it in her to resort to violence.

As a tomboy myself I’m impressed.

Just goes to show you don’t mess with a mother’s child if you don’t want to pay the price.

Hiroko puts herself in front of Hiroki and places a hand on him making sure that the fake Hiroko can’t touch him.

“Stay away from my son you demon!”

“Actually, I think this is a kappa.” I blurt out.

At that the fake Hiroko’s disguise disappears and it is indeed a kappa that was trying to take Hiroki into the pond and drown him.

“I mussst dessssstroy thisss child.” The kappa hisses back.

“NEVER! I died so that my son could live! My son must live!”

I run over and grab the kappa and yell out to Hiroko, “Now! Use your crane on it now!”

Hiroko reaches into her pocket and pulls out one of her origami cranes, pushes it into the chest of the kappa her hand laying on it flat.

She closes her eyes, prays silently and the kappa slowly disappears.

After the kappa disappears, I’m left standing like an idiot with my arms in a ring shape where it once was.

I quickly put my arms down and tell Hiroko, “Good work. I didn’t know you could throw a punch like that.”

“I…I do not know what came over me. OH! Never mind that!”

Hiroko drops down and hugs her son.

“Are you really my mother?”

Oh, he is so adorable.

“Yes, I am, my dear sweet Hiroki, that bad creature is gone for good.”

“I thought you died.”


“Yes but, she’s your guardian angel now.” I interject.

“But then who are you?”

He’s a real smart one.

“Oh me? I’m just a friend of your mom who helped her when she was starting out as your guardian angel.”

“I see.”

Hiroko kinda gets my lead and continues on talking to Hiroki.

“Listen my dear son. I will be watching over you so that I can protect you from anything like that monster that attacked you. While I do that, I only need you be yourself and know that I love you. Your father, Hideki, while he is having a tough time right now, also loves you very much.”

“Will I see you again, mother?”

“Of course, you will. I will be here for as long as it takes to keep you safe and help your father with his struggles.”

I notice the area around us starts to fade away so I head over to Hiroko.

“I hate to interrupt this beautiful reunion but it seems it’s time to go.”

“Yes, you are right. We have to go now so remember what I told you, my son.”

“I will mother.”

With that the dream fades and we are back in Hiroki’s room.

Hiroki starts to stir as if he’s starting to wake up.

The crane used to get rid of the kappa lays on his chest.

It’s dawn outside now.

“Thank you so much Michiru-san for everything you did.”

“Eh, I didn’t do so much, it was all you really.”

“I don’t think I would have been able to do this without you.”

“You don’t give yourself enough credit. Your motherly instincts more than made up for whatever I provided.”

“Do you really think so?”

“Yeah, moms can be scary when it comes to their children. Anyway, it looks like the worst is over for now but, you should get him looked at for whatever illness he has left over.”

“Yes, you are right. I will make sure Hideki takes him to see a doctor.”

“Well, I have a few days before I have to go see Shinichi meet with Takahiro at the university.”

“Oh, things seem to be going well for you as well.”

“Yes, I forced Shinichi to meet with Takahiro and Takahiro exceeded my expectations. He invited Shinichi to take a look at his project and get his opinions on it. I think things are going in the right direction I just need to figure out the next steps.”

“I see, it seems we both still have a long way to go.”

“Yeah, I’m gonna head back to my room, as it is for now, and continue reading my books and start scheming my next moves.”

“I understand. If there is anything I can help you with please do not hesitate to contact me.”

“Sure thing. And don’t forget to ask me for help again either if you need it.”

“Take care.” Hiroko says to me and bows as I fast travel back to my room.

Renga Kabe