Chapter 23:

Wilting In The Light

Living with a Ghost: I Wasn't Able to be Reincarnated so, I Became a Ghost.

“Ah, P-chan what am I going to do?”, I tell my pet rabbit as if he understands me.

I am sitting here petting him before I head off to work and telling him all my troubles like I always do.

“I got another email for the job I applied where they say I don’t have enough experience. Honestly how am I supposed to get experience if no one will hire me to get experience?”

Suddenly P-chan leaps away from my hand, tipping over his food bowl, spilling his food on the floor.

“Uhg, look at the mess you made.”

He’s standing on his back legs, his ears standing straight up.

I look down at my phone and see it is time to head out for work.

Quickly I gather up the spilled food. Out of the corner of my eye I see P-chan’s ears folded back like he is being petted.

It has to be my imagination.

After I finish picking up the spilled food I place the bowl in his cage, I pick up P-chan, place him in his cage, pick up my phone and purse and head out to work.

While I ride the bus to work, I can’t stop thinking if I just wasted my time getting my IT certifications.

I arrive at my work and begin my day at the call center.

The day goes normal as any other day and then I leave and go back to my apartment.

On my way back home, my thoughts again return to putting my IT certification to use.

I think I should just give up.

My job at the call center isn’t really that bad after all.

Just as I finish my thoughts, I arrive at my apartment door.

I come through the door, head to the kitchen, open the refrigerator and grab a slice of banana for P-chan.

After I get the banana, I go to the living room and see P-chan already out of his cage.

Did I forget to close his cage door?

No, I couldn’t have forgotten that, could I?

As I finish my thought, P-chan comes hopping to me.

“Here you go, your delicious banana.”

While he eats his banana, I walk over to his cage to check the lock.

It looks normal, it just looks like I forgot to close the door, plain and simple.

Well, I was in a bit of a hurry, so maybe I did forget.

I walk back over to P-chan and begin petting him as he continues eating his banana.

“Well P-chan, I think it is time to give up on my dream of getting an IT job. I applied to every listing I could that I felt qualified for. I just keep feeling like I wasted my time and money.”

I keep petting P-chan but, suddenly I get an email on my smartphone.

“Another rejection I bet. I need to log in and delete my accou…”

I stop my chat with P-chan as the message waiting on my smartphone catches me by surprise.

---Insert email style graphic with attachment---

Miss Yoko Usada,

We would like to thank you for applying for our open position.

We were very impressed with your interview and it left a positive impression on us.

While we did not choose you for the spot you applied for, we had a position in a different office that we think is perfect for you.

You would be a part of a new team and in a new location we are opening.

We hope you would join this team and help get the new location off to a great start.

The pay will be a little higher to compensate for the new living area.

Come in and we can discuss the further details.

We look forward you to working with you soon.

Hisashi Momoi

Director of Personnel Management

Midorikawa Network Security Corp.

---End email style graphic---

I reach down, pick up P-chan and raise him in the air.


I bring P-chan to my chest to hug him.

P-chan begins flailing around so I put him back down.

He goes back toward his cage and starts eating some of the grass I placed in there while I was at work.

Wait a minute!

I got the job but, it means I am going to have to move.

I didn’t really want to move, that’s why I applied for the jobs in this town.

Sitting down next to P-chan, who is still eating the grass in his cage, I start to pet him again.

“So, now what do I do? I know I was looking for a job but, I wanted to be here where my friends and family are. Is this really the only way? I don’t even know anyone in that area. But, this is the job I have been looking for except not here. What should I do now P-chan?”

I reach up on top of the cage and grab of dried papaya, pour a few pieces into my hand and place my hand in front of P-chan.

He excitedly starts eating the papaya and I continue petting him.

“I just don’t know. Is this really the only way?”

P-chan stops eating and looks up at me.

“Yeah, you’re right. I didn’t come this far to give up even if it’s not exactly what I wanted. Right! I’ll take it!”

Yeah, I’ll take it. I have to follow my dream no matter where it takes me, right?

I still don’t know where I will stay but, I guess that’s what real estate offices are for.

Ok, I will go to the office to meet with Mr. Momoi.

P-chan finishes the rest of the papaya from my hand and then starts hopping around the room like he normally does.

I decide to relax by watching a bit of TV and have dinner before I start to prepare for my visit to accept my new job tomorrow.

But I need to send a reply first.

Yeah, I can’t forget that.

Oh, I’m getting so excited again I’m forgetting what I need to do.

I get my laptop out set it on my desk and begin my reply email…


The secretary knocks on the door and the voice in the office replies with a standard “yes” as his reply.

She opens the door to announce my arrival, “Sir, Miss Usada is here to see you.”

He replies with, “Oh! Yes, please show her in.”

The secretary opens the door completely for me and I enter the room.

After I enter the room, I bow and say, “It’s a pleasure to meet you, I am Yoko Usada (兎田妖子).”

Mr. Momoi returns my bow and replies, “The pleasure is all mine, I am Hisashi Momoi.”

After we complete our greetings, he holds his hand out toward the chair in front of his desk, “Please have a seat.”

“Thank you very much,” I reply and wait for him to have a seat before I do.

“I want to thank you very much for accepting our offer. We have been having a difficult time finding people to join the new office or who would be willing to move to our new office.”

“I am very happy that you decided to give me the opportunity to work for your company. Did you have any questions for me?”

“No, sir, I am eager to start my new career.”

“I am glad to hear that. But, please don’t worry about being so formal. At this company we pride ourselves in being a bit different and hiring people that can bring a different perspective to IT challenges that may arise.”

“I see. So, is that why you selected me?”

“Yes, along with the good majority of those who will be a part of Mr. Saitou’s team. We also take very important steps to make sure that you are in a very comfortable working environment.’

“I am very pleased to hear that. I was very worried about taking this job originally because I would be moving away from my family and friends.”

“Yes, that is very understandable. Of the five people selected, which you were one of, we had two people decline the offer because it involved moving away from here.”

“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that”

“Don’t worry about that, we will be able to have those spots filled soon. We have a very good corporate reputation so we do get quite a number of applicants for about any position we post.

“That’s great to hear.”

“I hope I have lessened any worries you might have had about the job and company.”

“Yes, very much so.”

“That’s great. Now, I would like to ask how long you would need to prepare your things and move? Please be honest. I don’t want you to short change yourself.”

“Well, packing my things and saying bye to my family would take about a week. I would still have to find a place to live in the area.”

“Not to worry. In this packet, along with the normal hiring documents you will need to fill out, we have provided a map of the area near the office, train routes from the airport to the office and a list of real estate offices nearby.”

“Wow, thank you very much. I should be able to be ready in seven days without a problem.”

“I am glad to hear it. Let Miss Sakurai know the date you would like to fly out as you leave. Once again, we are glad to have you join out company.”

Once he finishes speaking, we both stand up and bow.

“Thank you very much for allowing me to join your company.”

“Take care.”

I exit the room and stop by Miss Sakurai’s desk and tell her the date I would like for my flight.

“Ok, got it. I should have the ticket ready for you in two days. Please have your documents ready when you come to pick it up.”

“Yes of course. Thank you very much.”

After saying my goodbye to Miss Sakurai, I leave the office and head out to the bus stop and wait for the next bus.

While I wait for the bus, I decide to look in the packet Mr. Momoi gave me.

There are the documents I need to fill out.

I’ll do that right when I get home.

This must be the map.

The area around the office seems nice.

Next, I see some menus.

This must be some restaurant suggestions.

Huh, I don’t see any real estate information like Mr. Momoi mentioned.

Wait, I see a business card.

Maison Le Wapiti.

Well, I guess I’ll give them a call and see if they still have an apartment available.

Just as I finish going through the packet, the bus arrives and I hurriedly put everything back into the envelope and get on the bus.

Renga Kabe