Chapter 44:

Chapter 44 - Implied Threat

The Inheritance of a Bygone Era

The sound of the bell travelled over the rooftops, announcing the start of a new day. Soon, the streets of Ocheon would fill with people, but as of yet, there were only a few.

“I can’t believe I said that.” Isabel could not let go of what she had said. She was continuously fidgeting and glancing towards Mila, looking for reactions.

“It wasn’t wrong.” Mila looked towards where the other party was waiting.

The flower garden had just come into their view. Mila scanned the surroundings, noticing one response hiding amidst the buildings.

A bit further, a middle-aged man sat on a bench amidst flower beds in a simple garb. He was on the taller side, with uncombed brown hair and a tired expression. His looks didn’t leave much of an impression.

“But still, you-” Isabel tried to explain. I mean, you-” She couldn’t quite manage. “You didn’t say it.” Finally, a whisper escaped her, revealing where the problem was. “And I just claimed something you didn’t say.”

“Isabel,” Mila called out. “As I said, it wasn’t wrong, so don’t feel ashamed.” She brushed her fingers against Isabel’s as they walked side by side. “And I am going to say it myself.” Her tone was alluring. “But do you want it to happen now?”

The situation demanded their attentiveness. Mila spotted Silinth begging at one corner of the square. Somewhere above them, Mr Crow sang his song.

“Please don’t tease me now. I can’t take it.” Isabel begged. “I can’t believe I said something so brazen.”

“Oh, but isn’t my assurance that you were right not worth anything?” Mila winked as they closed in on the man.

“Nnngh,” Isabel couldn’t form a response. She did, however, prepare her shield and scan the surroundings. “Uhhh.”

“Don’t be so harsh on yourself.” Mila gently scolded. “It was bold, yes, but no harm was done.” It had been quite attractive how confidently Isabel had claimed Mila loved her. She wanted a repeat of that moment.

The man looked towards them, smiled and started to wave, pretending to know them.

“But still,” Isabel complained. “It wasn’t what I wanted to say.” She moved in front of Mila to shield her from the man at all times.

The pair walked to the bench right across from the man and sat down.

“Glad to see you both.” The man happily nodded. “I am Percy.” He introduced himself.

Mila recognised the voice of the man she had encountered last night. “Well, nice to meet you, Percy. I am Lucy, and this is Anda.”

“Haha, I see,” Percy nodded. “Well, I can’t blame you for giving me these names, really.”

“Whatever do you mean?” Mila tilted her head while Isabel eyed the man verily.

“Mr Nolman did tell your real names before his-” Percy paused. “Unfortunate accident.” He sadly finished.

“Yes. Such a shame, that.” Mila sighed along.

“But it leaves us in a difficult situation.” Percy lamented. “The man was terrible at keeping his mouth shut, but he was our way to make a deal with the Obron family and possibly you.”

“Why not just ask us?” Isabel spoke up. “You know, like proper people would.”

“Well, that’s quite easy to answer.” Percy tilted his head. “If it was only Obron’s, we already would have, but an unforeseen group settled down in their home and didn’t leave.”

“Did you wait for us to leave or something more?” Mila was interested.

“I can’t exactly tell you, now can I?” Percy let out a bitter bark. “My hands are tied as well. It wasn’t exactly my choice to come here and possibly be killed. Anyway, this is not what I wanted to talk about.” He rubbed his temple. “Yeah, how to go about it.”

It was hard to tell how much of the man’s actions was an act. He certainly acted differently from how he had been at the night. Percy felt disarming as he left the impression of not possessing any threat.

Mila was starting to get impatient. The passing guard certainly wasn’t helping her mood, but finally, the man spoke again.

“Before we continue, please don’t kill me, okay?” Percy let out a nervous laugh. Seeing his unamused audience, he sighed. “But seriously. I don’t want to die. We wanted to make a deal with Obron’s, well, Hanna. She is in charge, and her family has a reputation, even if forgotten nowadays.”

“About?” Mila encouraged the man.

“Uh, are we sure no one undue is listening?” Percy looked around. “We made sure to take some steps towards safety, but there is only so much we can do.”

“Why ask us?” Isabel wondered.

“Well, how to put it.” Percy let out another nervous laugh. “Okay, don’t take it the wrong way, but…” He gulped. “My group isn’t the one hunted by the Pillar of Eternity.”

For a moment, the only sound was the city’s bustle. “I see,” Mila put a hand on Isabel’s knee to calm her girl and stop her from taking any hasty actions. “That certainly changes things, doesn’t it.”

“Haha,” Percy laughed, visibly sweating. “Please don’t look at me like I am a dead man.”

“No such a thing.” Mila dismissed the man’s worries while pondering how to better disembowel him.

In the end, the very fact that they were speaking meant they were not in immediate danger. Whatever Percy and his group were up to, they weren’t after Mila and Isabel.

And Mila couldn’t kill the man. He was strong. But perhaps if Isabel helped? No, it wasn’t wise. She scanned the surroundings and noticed how alert Silinth was now. The man was listening in on their conversation.

“Please don’t.” Percy didn’t believe her. “We don’t care about those zealots and what they want. No, what we want is a deal.”

“Such as?” Mila let the man speak.

“Can’t tell you. You are probably here for the same reason as I. I am expendable but trustworthy enough.” Percy put his hand in his pocket. “I have two letters here.” He pulled them out. “One sealed in a way which will allow only Hanna Obron to open it and the other for Mr Ampry. We couldn’t key it to him. So we did the next best thing. We made sure it couldn’t be opened without burning, but I doubt a man of such power would have trouble forcing it open.”

Percy left the two letters next to him. “I’ll be sticking around for most of the day. If you come to a decision, you can return, and we will talk.” With these words, he left.

“That went well?” Isabel looked at the leaving man’s back.

“Hardly.” Mila frowned as she studied the letters. “But it could have been worse.” There was a slight sheen of mana on the seals. Nothing dangerous, but enough to destroy the paper. After another moment of thinking, they got up and grabbed the letters.

It was time to return. The way back went by peacefully. Isabel continued to regret her previous choice of words while Mila mulled over their situation.

They were clearly being observed. Through what means? Mila couldn’t tell. If they required Nolman, then they likely didn’t use any magic. It made sense, with Silinth skulking around there. The man would be able to tell.

When they finally returned, Hanna immediately led them to her workroom, where Harry and Silinth were already waiting.

After a short exchange of words and what they had talked about with Percy, Mila handed the two letters to their recipients. She then returned to Isabel’s side and contemplated how nice her love’s hair looked.

They both tore them open right then and there. After a moment of silence, Hanna handed the latter to Harry while Silinth let out a barking laugh.

“So, what do they want?” Mila asked.

“They are terrorists.” Silinth spat out. “They want to sabotage a bunch of stuff and kill a lot of important people. Or at least try.”

Seeing how Silinth freely spoke about the contents of the letter, Hanna added her own side of the offer. “They want me to help smuggle more personnel and equipment into the city.”

“We can’t do that!” Harry exclaimed. “These are criminals. We must inform authorities immediately.”

“Please wait, Honey.” Hanna stopped her husband by grabbing his hand. “We can’t do that.” She looked towards Silinth. “Can I have your letter?”

“Sure.” Silinth threw the paper to her.

“I would like to read them as well.” Mila joined.

After everyone was familiar with the contents, Mila looked towards the ceiling. “This can work in our favour.” She admitted.

“No, no!” Harry gesticulated. “This will doom us! There must be a way out! There will be so much chaos! So many people will die!” He was almost hysteric.

“There will be war.” Silinth interrupted the man with a grim conclusion.

Harry gaped while Hanna groaned before taking out one of her brews. She ignored her husband's presence and drank it all before taking another one.

“You don’t know that!” Harry finally resisted, but it sounded more like begging.

Isabel, who had stayed silent for the longest time, spoke. “Why do you think there will be war, Instructor?”

“Their plan will continue with our without us. Once it happens, King Ospio will want blood.”

“That’s why we must stop them.” Harry insisted.

“Harry, please! You are not helping.” Hanna sounded very tired.

“I will not have it!” Harry didn’t stop. He grew even more rampant. “I was against them staying here, and I was right! Look at where it has led us!” His voice carried heavy accusations. The usually calm and polite man was practically fuming in anger.

“Please,” Hanna begged.

“No, Hanna!” Harry didn’t let her speak. “This must be dealt with-”

Hanna grabbed her husband’s palm, and Mila felt a pulse of mana circle through the man’s body.

A moment later, Harry collapsed on the ground with Hanna looking at him in regret. “I am so sorry.”

“It was the right decision,” Mila noted.

“Don’t patronise me, girl!” Hanna snapped. “This will drive a wedge in our marriage! You don’t understand how important Harry is to me!” Her whole body trembled in anger.

“Thank you, Hanna.” Silinth walked to the woman and hugged her as she started to sob.

“What will I say to my boys?” Hanna cried on Silinth’s shoulder.

Isabel leaned closer to Mila to ask. “What happened?” She whispered.

“I am not sure, but-” Mila whispered back. “But I think it’s because we have no choice.”

“Exactly!” Hanna pushed Silinth away while clearing her eyes. “They have us by the balls! While there are no clear threats in the letters, there certainly are implied ones!” Her voice shook with emotions. “If we don’t cooperate, they will just find someone else while leaking the information about all of you. The Temple would burn everything I have to the ground.”

“Hanna,” Silinth sighed. “I don’t want to say this, but I know your mother always prepared for a day like this and you…”

“Pah,” Hanna spat on the ground. “We don’t have any choice anymore. We will have to leave Ocheon. How will I talk Harry into it?” Tears filled her eyes once again. “He loves this city.”

Mila and Isabel stood in their little corner, trying to appear unnoticeable. Silinth continued to try to calm her friend.

It took a good ten minutes before Hanna was ready to talk again. “I’ll tell my boys to get everything ready for leaving and Harry…” She looked at her husband. “I don’t think I can wake him up. Not now. But it also means we have to move soon.

“Andrew will have a fit,” Isabel murmured, so only Mila heard.

Mila agreed. If this new group got involved, things were bound to get bloody. Very, very bloody.

And if Mila played the cards right, her own plans would benefit greatly.
