Chapter 0:

So I can go to Heaven, so what?

ダーク 転生 (Dark Reincarnation): A Deal With The Goddess In This Amazing World!

I can hear my alarm just ringing, forcing me to get up and go to school.
And I do just that, I get up, wash my face, do my facial care routine, eat and brush my teeth. Get ready and go to school. 
I wear my headphones, play my favorite playlist, start walking and think...

As I walk, I can't help but thinking... the real life is just, boring. You could really care about your friends and family but ultimately how many of them will you see after high school or college or etc.?
You could care about your academical life, but it's just a matter of who can memorize certain stuff the most and usually kills any sign of creativity.
You could care about romance, that's probably the most exciting one. However, I'm not... particularly good at it nor does it really appeal to me.
And there's not even a certain proof some kind of ''divine power'' exists, so I'm not someone who dedicates themselves to religions, not that it appeals to me anyway.

Well, that probably explains why I'm pretty much a loner. There are lots of other factors as well, being judged by others, not really having the energy to socialize etc. etc. And this also explains why I'm currently talking to myself. By watching lots of anime and playing lots of games I talk to myself, alone. I first started making comments by myself, then they started to get longer, then I started having small-talk with myself, then making jokes with myself and laughing to them... Yes I'm a different breed.

By the way I'm almost at school. ''Wow talking to myself really does pass the time, thanks me! No problem me! Hehe!''

And suddenly something out of the ordinary breaks my chain of thoughts. I hear a scream that  probably belongs to a girl in my school, and I see a Truck coming at her full-speed. If I was an anime protagonist, I would try to save her and get hit myself but if I save her I might die, dying isn't really one of my future plans y'know? Soooo, sorry girl I don't know the name of, I will certainly remember you. 

And while thinking these, this Truck steers the wheel so hard that it manages to avoid the screaming girl. But now it's lost all control and coming directly at... ME!?!? OH NO! 

By the time I realize that, it is already to-

No, no... NO NO NO! The Truck hits me and I feel a sharp pain in my whole torso, and in the back of my torso. We've tossed to a wall. 

What the hel!?!? The TRUCK is on FIRE! And my body is BURNING! I'm slowly losing my life force, and my eyes are closing and I'm REALLY wondering how am I still awake. I can see The Truck driver has run away, and probably that girl too. Damn it, such a dumb way to die.

And suddenly, I hear a spark and a gigantic boom before it suddenly cuts out. And in my last moments, I feel a sudden peace and comfort...

Huh? I found myself within a void, just pure darkness. Although within that void, I notice a girl with a fancy dress. The girl has white skin, lively green eyes and a midnight blue hair. She has long hair that goes all the way to her legs.
''Welcome, Genji Yamada. My name is Elea, The Goddess of Mercy and Youth.''
Oh, a Goddes-
Wait, what?
G-god and afterlife e-exists? O-Oh no. Wait though, she just said she is the God of Mercy.
''What happened to me?''
''You met an unfortunate demise while going to the school.''
''But worry not! I ,The God of Mercy and Youth, will not let you perish so easily! Since you met an unfortunate demise at such a young age, you have the chance to unconditionally go to heaven.''

W-Wait, unconditionally going to heaven? Meaning I can do whatever I want in heaven? Yes! This is my dream! Hahahahahahaha!
Hahaha hahaha ha! 

Is it though? When I do think about it I lived a really boring life with an anticlimactic end, and I don't know much about Heaven but I know it's a place where everything you want is provided. Getting everything I want with no hardship at all feels very boring. Plus if I don't like it, can I even leave heaven? Or what will I feel at heaven? 

Overall, I don't like the idea of going to heaven.

''Elea-sama, do I have any other option than going to heaven?''
''Huh, do you not want go to the heaven?''
''If possible yes.''
''A-Are you sure?''
''Well, there are some options. There's 'reincarnation', you ca-''
''Reincarnation limited to my own world?''

Oh, OH! Reincarnation is on the list!? That was my actual dream! Despite some characters having really powerful abilities -not limited to anime- those power just weren't really possible in real life. No matter how strong you become, how much martial arts, firearms techniques you learn you simply can't be like them. Because magic doesn't exist, and we are stuck with the boring rules of physics. 

''...The idea of reincarnating in a game-like fantasy world makes you pretty excited, huh?''

''Yeah!- Wait, how do you know?''

And is even a ''game-like'' fantasy world with levels and skills are possible?

''Well, your world's art and literature piqued the interest of our pantheon. In no other world the art and literature got that advanced, so we kept our eyes close on you. But with your world population increasing, the amount of stories, games, art and songs you've produced also increased dramatically. We were really astonished and surprised, even our almighty pantheon wasn't capable of coming up with some of those stories. As an honorary reward for your achievements, we decided to use some of your stories as a basis for some of our worlds. That's also the reason why gods kept all of you alive, despite none of you actually worshipping us.''

Wow, that was a lot to unpack. I really doubt if I'm supposed to know any of these though. She did indirectly answered both my questions tho-

''Also, you can't hide anything from your Goddess. We're always watching over you.''

...Was that a threat or a relief? 

''What will your choice be, young one?''
''Well, I accept being reincarnated on a game-like fantasy world...''
''Amazing! Then I sho-''
''However, you just explained my people had a great help in the making of that world, right?''
''Well, maybe as a honorary guest, I can get some sort of bonus; right?''
''What do you mean? Your bonus was given when I explained this story, under normal circumstances no mortal shall know any information about our pantheon's business.''
''I don't really remember being given a choice in the matter though, oh well I guess can't really complain now can I? Since I just died because I couldn't see that truck, it's probably my fault that I couldn't live my youth to its fullness.''

''...What do you want?''
''A good special skill would be amazing.''

And with that, Elea-sama promises me she will give me a special skill. Then she gets ready to reincarnate me, I'll admit though I was lucky. If she decided to show me my place, she could've easily done it. But I figured even if I went too far, she was the Goddess of Mercy. Plus I was right on some of the things I said, my 60+ years just went down the drain.

Suddenly a divine beam of white light surrounds me, and I start to ascend. As I go higher, my ascension gets faster and faster.

''May the God's and Goddess's blessings be on your side, young one!''
''And do not attempt this when you stand before other Gods.'' 

As I am ascending, I shout:
''Thank you Elea-sama! I'll make sure to call you!''