Chapter 2:


The Lawyer became a Magical Girl! ⁓ Destroy'em all Magicha-chan!

“Desires... flesh... corruption...

I... smell... Impure...

Those... shall ... be...


Magicha woke up with a scream, luckily for her everything seemed to have been a nightmare. The magical girl Fire Light destroying her house, the test to become a magical girl, and... that other thing... But why was she feeling so cold? And what was this strange stiffness to her bed?

Magicha looked down and noticed that she was sleeping on the rubble of her house... her 1000 miles stare said more than what screams or cries could ever tell, her home, blown to pieces, was now her resting bed, all her savings, flushed blown by the wind, and now if she didn't find another place soon, she would have to go back to live with her parents... Meaning, back to an uncomfortable life of taking care of her brothers and sisters, and having to travel at least for an hour to go to school.

She quickly searched through her pockets finding the money she managed to save from yesterday, she clicked her tongue realizing that it would only be enough to keep her living in the hotel for a week, let alone trying to find another house. Looking at the dawning sky she felt... empty, across the sky her eyes felt on a magical girl passing above her at full speed and she sighed tiredly and longingly, remembering, how she had inhered magic, and yet, she failed some test to become a magical girl.

She wonders about buying a bottle of wine, just to remember: She was a high schooler, not a lawyer over the 30s.

After a while of pitting itself over the fact that she wasn't old enough to buy alcoholic beverages she finally stood up and dusted off her battered uniform... Should she go to school? Yes, she had told herself that she would not miss any classes in the art course, this time, maybe she would use her third option if she failed the arts exam.

With a grim smile on her face, the girl rummaged through the rubble a little and put all the school supplies she could find in a curtain, thus preparing to run to school determined to arrive on time at her class.

With renewed determination she stepped outside the dust of her house, therefor as soon as she set foot outside her house, suddenly a truck labeled “Work Unite” sped past her, and a combination of robots and humans with unfriendly faces jumped out of the moving truck and ran towards her, the robots and humans that were wearing bright orange uniforms passed her and enter the ruins of her house.

Magicha saw as flamethrowers and explosions banished the remaining of her low-costing house, then another truck full with material suddenly passed behind her and started shooting pieces of paper towards where the ruins of house once held before being obliterated, finally, just a few centimeters from where she was standing a "for sale" sign was planted felt barley missing her for half a meter.

Yes, she had this kind of contract with “Work Unite” the cheapest variation. In the moment she stepped outside her propriety this would no longer be her propriety, and as such, a company so efficient as Work Unite didn’t take more than a few moments to rebuild and put this place for sale again. Yet and despite Magicha’s total awareness on said contract, the once lawyer couldn’t stop its heart sunk deep as she remembered the magical girl stuffed animals she had in her room and imagined them being burned, blown up, and buried in the foundations. The new place looked exactly like the last one did, as if it were built with real materials and not almost entirely from paper and recycled garbage.

Having lost all her motivation, she slowly started walking towards her school. Walking with a down head she took a time to notice something was wrong, it almost seemed like people were running away from her, was there something wrong with her? She hadn't really had time to look in a mirror this morning so probably she looked like shit, but was this so bad? However her anxiety turned into another kind of worry when she heard a loud noise and looked up at the sky. There she saw some magical girls fighting in the sky above the school. Magicha recognized some of them as the defenders of Neo Japan:

Magical Girl Blue Death

Blue and black hair, wearing an outfit that looked like the embodiment of rock, a mask over her mouth with a stamp of sharp teeth, a pair of eyes that looked almost cat-like, a bar of leather boots and a large scythe in her hands. If Magicha hadn't seen how cute and shy Blue Death acted during the occasional interviews she would have thought that she was more of the villainous type.

Magical Girl Pink Bubble

She was the newest magical girls in the stock market of magical girls, having her debut just a month ago, this 4th generation magical girl was sweet, wearing a pompous pink dress and a star-shaped wand, however her attacks caused nightmares in the world. She created enormous bubbles that destroyed buildings as if they were bombs and she could fire a laser beam with a disgustingly cute name... Magicha preferred not to think about the possible collateral damage that this could cause. Luckily, she had only caused property damage for the moment. Once again, Magicha realized why there was no life insurance in this world.

Magical Girl Firelight

Magicha's heart clenched with mixed emotions as she saw a powerful flame being blasted in the sky, shadowing by far the rest of the attacks, she was the prettiest girl of them all, yet she had an attitude... too cold and unforgivable, she was so straight that one would think she was a princess of steel or a bar of ice not a firelight, however, she had shown her flame in her passion to save people... Despite not caring about the collateral damage of such passion flames, damage that included Magicha's house.

Magicha half closed her eyes as she watched in confusion as the fight got closer and closer to the ground level, enough for her to see her opponents, they seemed to be fighting... Evil magical girls? Evil magical girls! This was a serious problem! They were the counterpart of magical girls, but not only that, they were magical girls! Looking at the sky Magicha saw 4 of them, the generals of the evil organization Asura, but her sight fell on one of them. With chaotic black hair and red eyes, everyone knew who she was, the most famous magical girl in the world, the first to revolt against the forces of chaos and the first to fall prey to their corruption, the first leader and the first traitor...

And so, she spoke, and the world listened to her every word.

“My name is Red Demon.”

As the leader of Asura and prophet of chaos, I declared this neighborhood under my power!”

Red Demon... famous for... coming back from the dead, on multiple occasions in fact, the brutality with which she fought was quite graphic so several of the old tapes in which she appeared were strongly censored or age restricted. Losing more than half of her body didn't seem to matter to her since a black slime would surge from her within and regrow the lost flesh, whether it was her heart, head, or her entire body. Even vaporized she would simply return from tin air...

Magicha was stunned, this day couldn’t get worst, to think that Asura had come so close to her home (rest in peace) and her school. It was madness, but at least she could get a closer look at the battle, although it may be a good idea to start running away too. As that though entered her mind an meteor hit a nearby building causing it to collapse, Magicha saw a group of students trapped in the chaos being suddenly crushed by the construction, she heard their screams for help under the rubble and cursed to herself as she ran towards them, if only she had managed to become a magical girl yesterday she could easily blow up the rubble, but now was not the time to think about that, she had to save her classmates. Either way, if she was lucky the building may have been build by Work Unite therefore even she would be able to remove most of the debris or break some if necessary.

Magicha allowed herself to smile a little as she dug through the rubble, the building was as fragile as cardboard, freeing her classmate she looked into the eyes of the last girl who was trapped with a big smile on her lips… Then Magicha noticed that the girl was her school crush, for a second Magicha fantasized about playing the heroine and impressing her, however as she began to remove the debris from her a bad feeling overcame her, she felt cold sweat running down her back and looked around. The 3 magical girls were doing their best to fight 3 of the Asura generals, however the 4th had descended to ground level.

Magical Girl of Chaos...


Silver hair and cloudy eyes as if she were blind, her height and build were only that of an 11-year-old girl, but the gravity distortion around her dragging a circle of debris around her was most terrifing, Magicha cursed out loud when Saturn's head turned, and her unseeing eyes fixed her direction. Magicha tensed up instantly, never have she been so close to such a dangerous person, yet, she couldn't run away.

No, she could not just go and leave her crush behind, such a pretty and busty girl, no, Magicha would only earn the right of abandoning her when she left a blessing inside the pretty girl but since they were both women that would be hard to archive.

Magicha got her mind back to reality as she stood in front of Saturn with a determined and suicidal look on her face, and Saturn returned a cold look with her gray eyes as she slowly approached her, dragging with her debris of all kinds. Magicha had no idea how she was going to fend off Saturn, nor why Saturn started waking in her direction all the sudden, she could try freeing the girl under the debris, but even if she managed to, even if they ran at max velocity after that, she was aware that Saturno wouldn’t have problems catching with her. So, out of desperation she did the craziest thing she had ever done in two lifetimes, she call forward her inner magic.

Even if she knew that she had failed the test to be a magical girl, she remembered the magical energy that was imbued in her even if it was only for a few seconds, and suddenly she felt the energy engulf her again... And a huge smile appeared on her face as she felt the magic filling her once again. Magicha closed her eyes and concentrated, focusing all her energy on a single point. A bright violet light appeared from her hands, and she shouted into the air the words that appeared in her mind...


Jaakuna Jaakuna Bengoshi

The resulting flash engulfed Saturn as well as the entire block.

And suddenly, Magicha was no longer there, in her place, a chaotic magical girl appeared, her crazy hair was a radiant fuchsia color, her eyes were shining while her sclera blackened until it took on a completely dark tone. She had turned pale and seemed broken like porcelain doll into multiple parts, her black dress was adorned by large black feathers emerging from her shoulder pads, and her right hand seemed covered in a green crystal that glowed toxically. Steam was coming out of Magicha... No... it was coming out of:

Chaos Magical Girl


Magicha's transformation into the magical girl of chaos, Devils Judge, was surprising even to herself. She realized that her body had changed shape and was now imbued with dark and dangerous powers, yet she smiled crookedly.

Devils Judge couldn't deny that the surge of power felt great and was everything he had always unconsciously sought... the emotion was such that for a few moments she forgot where she was or why she searched for this power to begin, with such power in her hands she felt a little less inclined to impress her crush and a little more inclined to invade Neo Poland with an army of chaos spawns.

Finally, the magical girl of chaos realized that she was in the middle of a street in Neo Japan and that Neo Poland was a city to far away from Neo Japan. Around her, there were destroyed buildings and debris everywhere, behind her, her busty crush seemed to have lost consciousness from the burst of magical energy... but something was wrong. Saturn, had disappeared from her field of vision... That couldn't be a good thing, right?

Devils Judge was confused and worried as she realized that Saturn, one of Asura's corrupt magical girls and perhaps the member with the greatest raw destructive power, had disappeared from her field of vision. She swallowed slowly as this fact sank into her mind.

But before she could even finish processing the fear that such a thing caused, everything went black and she lost consciousness.

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