Chapter 5:

Blacksmith Lady


"After his grandmother passed away, he wept bitterly, despite the absence of her love throughout his life. Despite the pain, his compassionate heart led him to tenderly handle her lifeless form before laying her to rest in the mountains, next to his grandfather's grave. With a heavy heart, he whispered prayers for his departed parents, hoping they'd guide her soul.

In the desolation of their humble hut, he scoured for sustenance but found none. Determined, he ventured out, driven by hunger and desperation, his empty stomach gnawing at his resolve. Arriving at the bustling town market, he approached a restaurant, saliva pooling in his mouth, and his stomach audibly growling.

However, instead of warmth and nourishment, he faced rejection and disdain, as he was deemed a nuisance to the customers. With each rejection, his spirit diminished, and he wandered the town's streets, a hollow shell of despair. Finally, near a blacksmith's shop, he stood, the weight of loneliness and hunger pressing down on him like an anvil, threatening to crush his very soul."As the shop owner swung the door open, it crashed into Shin, sending her collapsing to the ground in a haze of hunger-induced fatigue. Moments later, she found herself being carried into the shop's interior, her consciousness slipping away.

When Shin finally stirred, she was disoriented, her surroundings unfamiliar. Blinking away the fog, she realized she was in the midst of the shop's bustling dining hall, where employees gathered for their meal break. The clatter of dishes and lively chatter filled the air, but all Shin could focus on was the intense pang of hunger gnawing at her stomach.

A compassionate young lady approached, bearing a steaming plate of potato curry. The savory aroma wafted tantalizingly, and Shin's mouth watered in response. With trembling hands, she accepted the offered meal, each bite a desperate attempt to sate her ravenous appetite amidst the unexpected chaos of the day.As Shin devoured his meal with untamed ferocity, his actions caught the attention of those around him. "I am Shin," he declared with a quiet confidence as he introduced himself to the curious onlookers. Crustina, the proprietor of the shop, revealed herself. "I am the shop owner. My name is Crustina," she said warmly, her gaze lingering on Shin with a mixture of intrigue and compassion.

In response to her inquiry about his residence, Shin revealed a somber past. "I reside near the mountains, though my familial ties to the area were severed when my beloved grandparents passed away. Seeking sustenance and opportunity, I found myself drawn to this bustling town," he confessed with a hint of melancholy in his voice.

Crustina's empathetic response was immediate. "I am sorry to hear of your loss," she offered sincerely before extending a generous gesture. "You are welcome to work here," she declared, her tone filled with genuine kindness.

Guiding him through the workshop, Crustina introduced Shin to the intricacies of their trade. Amidst the hustle and bustle, an elderly worker struggled to maintain his grip on a heavy piece of metal, only to have it slip from his grasp. With lightning reflexes, Shin effortlessly caught the cumbersome object, earning gasps of astonishment from those nearby.



Vingo King