Chapter 1:
Rueda the Witch
I arrived at Gywn the capital city, it's the capital so I hope I can find something interesting or meet someone interesting and maybe get a decent gig to get a little bit more money. But all my expectations were crushed by the time I saw the state of this city, I don't think they experienced any crisis recently to make it look this depressing, and it's not just because the weather is always cloudy either.
The people look like war victims, the buildings are all messed up, and of course, the weather completely sucks.
Hopefully, everything is cheaper and I didn't get mugged, they are probably desperate for money in this situation. I don't think I'm going to stay here for long as well, though I want to know the story behind all of this and meet the king if I'm allowed to.
But how do I do it though? I can't just come to his castle and ask to meet him out of the blue, and I can't just lie that I'm a messenger from another country too. Well I probably can, but they will place a huge bounty on my head if I ever piss him off, and that's not cool.
I wonder if they even have a bookstore in this city, can they even afford to buy books?
I walk to a guy who looks like he's about to turn into a skeleton like in the catacombs, "Is there a bookstore in this city?"
"No." He said while looking at me like a sad puppy.
I kinda feel bad, I'll throw him a coin to make me feel better.
Really? What the actual crap are they doing? you know, the capital is supposed to be like the pinnacle of a country, but Tiron which is very far away from this city looks so much better than here, despite everything being so generic.
Screw it, I'll go to the castle.
I arrived at the front of the castle, and this place doesn't look that much better.
The guards are just standing there with their dead eyes, they don't even care that a random witch just landed in front of their castle. The situation is very bad if even the royal guards look like they want to kill themselves any minute.
"Can I meet the king?" I ask the guards in front of the gate.
"Who are you?"
"I'll give you 200 coins if you let me in."
They open the gate for me, then I give them a pouch of sleep powder instead. I don't want to waste coins just to enter this place.
There is no one guarding inside for some reason, maybe they're on a break? or maybe they can't afford to pay more guards.
I just waltz straight into the king, "What happened here?" I ask him.
"Who are you? and how did you get here??" He is quite confused.
"I apologize, let me introduce myself. I am Rueda of Catalonia, a wanderer. I just so happen to pass here, and the guards just let me in."
"What is your business?"
"I am confused by the state of this supposed-to-be capital of this country, it looks worse than a war-torn city," I said calmly to him, and also trying to be as polite as I could.
He's looking down, "God has left us."
"All of our crops failed, destroyed by pests, all of our treasury is gone from buying foods too," he said slowly.
"So, what did you do to fix it?"
"We called the best shamans in the world, the highest level priests, but even they couldn't help us."
Oh, so this guy is dumb.
"Have you ever considered that maybe god isn't the answer for everything?"
He looks baffled "God creates us and loves us, He's always the answer."
"Where is he now?"
He sits there in silence.
I'm tired of dealing with this idiot, but I want to piss him off for fun after he disappointed me so much. At least I'll get some entertainment from this desolate empire.
I walk closer to him, "When your people are dying from starvation, you're just wasting your resources praying to some unknown creature to help you fix this problem that most likely can be fixed by humans, what were you thinking?" I hold his chin with my tiny hand and ask him closely, "you and your god are nothing but a clueless idiot that pretends to be a king."
"You ruined the fun, I'll expect you to fix this when I happen to come by in the future, see ya," I said to him, before blowing up the roof and flying to the forest.
Well, I think I'm now a fugitive, I don't think they can afford to hire bounty hunters though.
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