Chapter 4:
Rueda the Witch
After feeling like a sack of potatoes last night, I now feel like jelly because I slept for too long. I ate so much food last night that my stomach is still full, it's kind of insane, and it's full of expensive foods too.
I'll continue traveling today, I need to get the book I promised first though, because her library most likely has rare books, I can sense it already when I enter the library for the first time.
I go to the living room looking for her, and there is no one there, what about the kitchen? She might be cooking breakfast right now.
I walked there, and I found Daniel cooking instead, "where's Anne?"
"She has been in the lab for the whole night," Daniel says.
"Where is it?"
"So in her room, across yours, there is a secret door on the floor that looks just like a normal wooden floor but if you look closely, you can see a weird gap where the door is."
"I see."
"Can you bring this tea to her?"
I grab the tea and walk to her room, this tea smells stronger than normal tea usually is, did he put drugs in it or something? Or maybe all the tea I had was very weak, which is plausible since our country is a desolate cold place.
The room is very tidy and clean, it feels like no one has ever touched it. The room only has a bed, a strangely bigger than usual bedside table on the right of it, a desk just left of the bed, and a wardrobe in the corner right in front of me.
Where is this secret door? It should be obvious but I can't find it, is my sight already getting worse? I'm only in my early 20s. Let me put this cup of tea on the table, and find it the easy way.
I pull out my wand and start using levitating magic on the floors, but it's a bit hard to not break the floor. The dinner last night might make me a little too energetic, I need to put the littlest energy I can, just enough to open that secret door.
Oh no, I cracked the wooden floor near the wall, I can't fix it, I can only hide it. I guess I'll move her bed on top of the cracked floor, she probably wouldn't notice, she sleeps in her lab.
Where is it? I can't find it, am I blind or something? Dammit, why Daniel didn't just show me the door and instead make me look for this stupid door.
I'm calling Daniel, I go back to the kitchen, he's still cooking god knows what, "Hey, I can't find the door."
He sighs and then walks to the room with me.
When we get there, Daniel moves the bedside table and reveals the door under it, "How would I know if there is a door under the table??"
He scratched his head and smiled, "I guess I overestimated you."
"Just, shut up, and thanks."
"No problem." He said, before going back to the kitchen.
I open the door and the entrance looks a little bit tight, there is a ladder there, and doesn't look like the room is that deep.
I put the tea near the ladder, and climb down the ladder but it's very short, my head is still above the floor.
I crouch and look around the room and I see light just a few steps in front of me, I guess it's the lab? Let me grab the tea first and then crouch back in this claustrophobic underground room to that light.
I walk slowly so as to not spill any tea on myself, and I get to the light, there is nothing here. It's just a small room with literally nothing but walls.
"Why the hell it is so complicated just to get into your lab?!" I shout hoping that Anne will hear me.
I walk in circles angrily, I just want to get my book and then piss off to the city.
As I walk around, I feel like my foot just pressed something, I hear some mechanisms inside the walls and I feel like I'm going down, I hate you so much, why not have a clearly visible button, you insane scientist?
It stops, then a piece of the wall just slides like it's a door. I walked to it and finally, I found her, sleeping on her desk.
I walk to her messy desk, put the tea on it, and then pat her head, she looks kind of cute when she's asleep, but then I remember the hurdles that I go through to get here. I shake her head and shout wake up to her ears until she wakes up.
She is barely alive and says "Whaaat?"
"I want my pay."
"I'm still sleepy."
"I got you a cup of tea."
"Hm?" She tries to look for the tea that's on her desk, she really is sleepy.
She found the cup a few minutes later, and instead of picking it up and drinking it like a normal person, she slurped it like a cat. I want to comment but I couldn't care enough, I just want my book.
"Let's go to the library." She suddenly back alive, either the tea is that strong or she's weak, I'm leaning towards the latter.
I follow her to the library and finally, I can get my book. "I'll wait for you here," Anne said.
There are so many books here that I don't know where to start, "Do you have something that can make my life easier?"
"Hmm, I think I have a few, follow me."
We go to an unassuming bookshelf, but the books are looking great.
"How to Cast a Controlled Fire", "Plant-searching Magic", and "Fake Coins" Wait is this legal? whatever, I want it though.
I take the book off the shelf, "I'm taking this book."
She is suspicious at me, "I know what you want to do, it's illegal."
"I'm already a criminal so who cares."
"Are you leaving after this?" She said, looking like a sad puppy.
"Yeah, why?"
"Take care, and visit us every once in a while."
"I will."
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