Chapter 8:

Ichiro Kojima is a curious man.


Ichiro Kojima

White mug. Black Coffee. Sweetened.

It had been the weekend already. Saturday, to be accurate. Though, it was boring. Ever since that conversation with Iwasaki yesterday in the café, the distance between us had been quite difficult.

I then took a sip from my mug.

Well, I say that, but it’s more of me being the one who’s tricky. Ever since she had her head on my shoulder, I haven’t been able to look at her the same. Sometimes I can still recall her sweet smell on my shoulder, and it’s enough to make me go warm in mere seconds.

But besides that, I still dislike remembering what happened between Okumori and Iwasaki. It always leaves a vile taste in my mouth as soon as I even bother to think about it, and subsequently acquired a detestation of Okumori altogether the more I pondered about it.

“Those eyes… Onii-chan, What are you thinking about? You look troubled. Did you find another girl to catch feelings for? Is Onii-chan trying to play who’s more compatible?”

I spat out my coffee.

“Like hell I am!" I countered back.

I now shot a glare at her just to realize that she had nothing on except a bath towel to conceal her body, holding the top of it so it wouldn’t fall off. She had a revolted face directed to me, which I found to be offended by.

“Don’t look at me like that! Not with what you’re wearing! I should be the one with a disgusted look! Put some clothes on, Naoko!” I pointed at her aggressively.

“What?! Are you saying I don’t look good?!” She pointed back with fuming eyes.

"Of course I am! You're talking to me half-naked! That is exactly what I'm indicating, you idiot! You don't have the appeal of a woman to me at all!"

“Shut up! You don’t have the appeal of a man either!”

“Huh?!” I stood up.

“You heard me! Ugly! Disgusting! I doubt any girls would fall for you anyway!”

Naoko stuck her tongue out and pulled down on her eyelid.

“What?! I’m a girl magnet! Look at me!” I directed my thumb over to my chest.

“A girl magnet?! You’re a girl repellent! I don’t wanna hear it!”

For a ceaseless fifteen minutes, we didn’t back down against each other and just fired insults against each other until we would eventually run out of energy. Now, Naoko and I sat on the couch together but spaced ourselves considerably far away as we sulked.

“Coffee?” I asked, seeking to harmonize with her.

“Mm,” Naoko agreed.

I brought myself up, walked over to the coffee machine, grabbed a different mug, then poured some black coffee inside. Naoko liked bitter coffee, for whatever odd reason, so I didn’t put any sugar in it and just left it as is. Occasionally, I wonder if she just drinks it just to provoke me, because she always gives a peculiar gaze to me every time she takes a sip.

“What are you so disturbed about?” Naoko now asked in a bothersome manner.

“It’s nothing,” I lied assertively as I offered her coffee.

She took the mug and cupped her hands around it. “Really?”

I looked at her peevishly. “... Yes. Were you watching long?”

“No- Well, yes. I was making fun of you in my head.”

“Funny.” I groaned.

I grabbed my coffee and set myself back on the couch once more. Naoko observed me, and just as I had expected, granted her usual strange look to me as she drank from her mug.

“Is it a test?”

You’re not backing down, are you?

“No,” I denied in irritation.




“No- What?” I faced her.

“What?” She returned the look.

I shook my head disapprovingly from her questions. “Stop asking me ridiculous questions, I’m not telling you.”

“So it’s something, right? Why can’t I help? I want to help!”

“Again, no.” I now coarsely said.

“What? Why not?!” She cried.

“You’ll just make it worse,” I muttered.

I had no intention of Naoko getting involved, nor did I see a need for it. It’ll just be adding a useless person to the mix, and I would hate to put her in that light.

“At least tell me what it is. Then I’ll decide if I’ll help or not.” She placed her coffee down and crossed her arms as she remained patient.

“Are you going to wait there half-naked?” I exhaled and pointed at her.

“Yes.” She replied tamely.

“... Put on some clothes then I might tell you," I grumbled.

“Fine, geez!” Naoko sharply said.

She got up, ran to her room, and slammed the door. In a matter of minutes, she would exit her room, clothed with a pink shirt that had the label: LOVE across her chest, and a simple white skirt.

Oh, wow. I thought as I absently stared at her.

“Why are you looking at me like that?!” She sounded abashed.

“Other than the fact that you genuinely look like a seven-year-old, it doesn’t fit you at all. It reminds me of when you picked your booger-”

“Shut up! I know! You told me just to put clothes on, not be an idol!” Naoko declared.

I rolled my eyes and groaned, not minding to argue against her remark. She would walk over and sit herself down on the couch once more, but now with ferociousness on her face while she crossed her arms together.

“So, what is it?” She asked crossly.

"I said I might tell you. What are you going to do anyway? Use a magic spell from that magic girl anime show you watch every day at six PM?"

"No, you idiot!"

She charged me and hit my shoulder with her hands.

"I don't watch that! What are you talking about? What the hell is magic? If anything, you're the type to watch that! I would never! That's so weird!"

"You always force me to give you the remote around that time, so it's obvious that I'd be curious about what you've been watching. You'd have sparkling eyes whenever the pink-haired girl with ponytails does her magical move. You're in Junior high already, Naoko, grow up.” I calmly reminded her.

"Shut up, shut up, shut up!" She continued hitting me.

"What was that special ability called again? The one where she spins her wand around and shoots out a projectile? Star-beam?" I teased.

"It's Star-gleam, you dum-"

Naoko’s face glowed in a bright cherry color after she comprehended what she uttered, until continuing to berate my arm with punches.

"Shut up!" She exclaimed once more.

Naoko soon overcame what happened, and restlessly perched herself on the opposite side of the couch with a hostile look pointed to me. I had been watching TV and finishing my coffee, just prior to finally attempting to mitigate the air between us.

I set the mug back on the table and looked at her, "Iwasaki-san. Do you remember her?”

"Onee-san? Of course, I do.” Naoko reacted, still appearing bad-tempered.

"You call her Onee-san...?" I questioned.

"Yes.” Naoko nodded. “Got a problem with that?”

“No. Well, actually, when did you get so close with her?”

“None of your business.” She stuck out her tongue.

You little…

I sighed and forced myself to stay sensible. Once I had done that, I became concerned about whether it was right to inform Naoko of what happened. On one hand, if I didn’t tell her, she’d probably become agitated and avoid me for a while. On the other hand, she might get too involved in a situation too complex for her to apprehend and, in due time, regret what she did.

But after thinking and recalling what Iwasaki told me about her fictitious contentment and nature the other day, I all of a sudden knew of a question to ask her.

"Naoko, what’s your idea of people who are brave and cheery?”

Naoko paused, clearly puzzled by my question. She then moaned and shut her eyes.

"I don't know what this has to do about Onee-san, but if I had to say, that’s just their personality… Or they could just be using that happiness to cope with their wounds. Though, I like to think the former. It’s less depressing that way.” She shrugged.

"Can you say that about someone who used to be different?" I added.

"I dunno.” She now bluntly answered. “That’s up for you to decide. They could be hiding something, or they could not be. Maybe they just had a change of life.”

"Final question." I raised my finger.

"Huh? How many questions are you going to ask? Just tell me about Onee-san already!" She wailed.

"Shut up. Stop being so obnoxious and just answer it." I replied, annoyed.

Naoko joined her arms together again with a sullen pout on her face.

“Are you really thirteen?”

“Of course I am!” She spat back. “Do you think I’m some sort of thirty-five-year-old stuck in a teenager's body?!”

“I mean, kinda,” I admitted. “What have you been going through to figure all of that out at such a young age, Naoko?”

Naoko went back to scolding me, but I ignored it and sunk in what she told me instead.

If what she said was true, then just how much more do I not know about Iwasaki? How out of touch am I with her? I thought I understood everything about her already. Her humor, her likes, and dislikes, her favorite food, what else am I missing?

Are we really friends? Or am I just somebody she doesn’t disapprove of?

Shit. I’m thinking too much about this.

"So? What happened to Onee-san?" Naoko would ask after calming down.

"Nothing. Don't worry about it." I lied.

Naoko let out a grumble, before surrendering another sigh. “Fiiinee! I won’t pry anymore.” She griped.

I took out my phone and noticed that somebody had texted me while Naoko and I had been quarreling with each other. It was a message from Iwasaki. Once I opened the mail, it took me a brief second to register what I read. I blinked, coughed, and even squinted my eyes to make sure I wasn’t falling out of reality.

"Miyake-san would like to meet you. She told me that she wanted to talk to you about something important? I don't know the details for sure, but she said to meet her in the coffee shop nearby school."

What does she want?

"... Naoko, I'm going to head out. I'll be back in thirty minutes or so.”

“What? Mom’s going to get mad-!”

I swiftly got up and went straight to my room before Naoko could finish. I dressed in a light blue sweatshirt and some gray pants, not necessarily aiming for a neat or proper look as this was just a small talk session. But, I still had to make myself seem a little fashionable because I didn’t want the elegant, goddess-like Miyake judging me.

I did gain a little desire for Miyake when we met, if I'm being brutally honest. But I know that she’s occupied already, and I just couldn’t abandon Iwasaki. I need Iwasaki, and I hope she needs me.

I can’t fall for Miyake! I promised myself as I motioned a ball of a fist in the air.

I left the house and walked for what seemed to be endless reflecting and musing about what was so important. Eventually, I would reach the coffee shop, and upon looking inside, I could spot a variety of several people. They were either drinking their coffee, using their laptops or just conversing with one another. Though, I couldn’t spot a single person inside who had the description of Miyake.

She’s not here yet, is she?

And so, I waited inside. I waited, and waited, simply studying the menu I was given in patience. Soon, I would return my gaze to the door, and would find a dazzling girl who stood at the entrance. She seemed confused, clearly attempting her luck to find whoever she was looking for. She examined everybody until she reached me, and released a lively wave as we looked into the eyes of each other.

I had to lean a little closer to see who had been fluttering her hand to me, just to realize that it was Miyake. Her orange, brilliant eyes and nice blonde hair gave it away almost instantly, but that wasn’t the only thing that had been startling to me. She was dressed in an unzipped light green winter coat with a white shirt inside that was tucked inside some light blue skinny denim jeans, which had rips present around the knee area. She also wore white canvas sneakers to match the shirt she wore, as well as a handbag slung on her left shoulder.

Huh. She’s cute.

"Hi, Kojima-kun!" She happily called.

"Yo." I awkwardly waved.

She approached me cheerfully. She had an attractive and contented smile, but I could only think of what Naoko had told me earlier as I gazed at her amusement.

“They could be hiding something, or they could not be. Maybe they just had a change of life.”

I shook my head rapidly and tried to neglect my pessimistic ideas, and instead just returned Miyake’s smile back.

"What did you need me for? You thinkin’ of going out with me?" I joked.

Miyake's smile slowly turned into a displeased one. I was offended upon seeing her expression, even if I had been teasing her.

Ouch. Does it hurt to be a little nicer about it…?

"Shut up. Playboy." She insulted me as she turned her shoulder to me. "That's not why I called you here."

Seriously, how do you stay looking cute after being so agitated?

"I called you here to talk about Okumori-kun."

Miyake turned to face me once more, more of an earnest look on her face now.

"Huh? Did you call me here for relationship advice? You're finally dating Okumori-kun?" I questioned.

I watched Miyake's expression turn into infuriation before she struck my stomach with her stormy fist. I yelped and hunched over as I grasped my stomach in pain.

"No, of course not! I wanted to talk about something else!" She indignantly stated.

"Okay! Just don’t punch me, jeez!" I cried.

Miyake would set her belongings beside her chair and place her hands on her lap as she looked at me unhappily.

"You don't act like this to anyone else, do you?" I managed to ask.

“No. I only act like this because you decided to joke around me being in a relationship with you. I’m just making sure you don’t actually fall for me.”

I nodded with a sly smile. “Right.” I fearfully chuckled.

It was daunting how serious that statement of hers sounded.

"Anyways, I want to know something!" She then pointed.

"What?" I said within milliseconds, intimidated by her aggressiveness.

"What do men like?"

My head became blank once I comprehended her question. To be honest, I had been expecting a smarter question, yet here she was, trying to figure something as hopeless as what a male is interested in.

"... Why couldn’t you just call me about this?”

“I don’t have your number.”

“Then ask Iwasaki for my number?”

“No, that’s too much of a hassle. Plus, it’s better if it’s person to person. It’s easier to look through a lie.” She said without tone.

Scary! I thought Okumori was scary, but you’re just on a different level!

"I’m going to say something. You better not freak out when I say this, okay?” She now sounded angry.

I sighed and nodded. “Yes, yes. What is it?”

"Okumori-kun and I are going to the mall tomorrow, and I don't know what he likes.”


The feeling of curiosity that lingered in my body suddenly disappeared as I thought about her issue. A snort erupted from my mouth before I knew it, and a tingly sensation in my stomach was beginning to bother me. Soon, I realized I had been laughing hysterically, while Miyake transitioned into the color scarlet and sat in shame.

"You're asking me?!" I cackled, pointing at her.

"Y-Yes..." She bashfully nodded.

I laughed even harder now and wiped the flow of tears that left my eyes the longer I thought about her ridiculous matter. Once I calmed down, I made sure I was clean of merriment before speaking to Miyake again.

"So... Let me get this straight. You want my help with your cute date with Okumori-kun?" Is that correct?"

"We're just hanging out together!" She declared, flustered.

"Isn't that the same thing as on a date, though?”

She seemed stumped. "Yes! No! I don't know!" She then said in consternation.

I watched Miyake lift her arms, set them down on the table, and proceed to use it as a cushion for her head. "I just want to see him happy!" She groaned.

I rested my arms on the table as well and just stared at her blonde wavy hair in quietness as I brooded upon her words. I took a moment to acknowledge my thoughts, then grumbled too.

"He's still like that, huh?"

Miyake nodded under her arms but stopped abruptly. She raised her head slowly now and looked at me with uncertainty. "Still? What does that mean? Did you know what he was like before?"

I let out a firm nod. "We were in the same Junior high, but we weren't friends. We never talked to each other, but we acknowledged each other's presence."

Miyake's eyes slightly enlarged as her eyebrows raised. "I remember Iwasaki-san telling me you two went to the same Junior high... I didn't know that Okumori-kun was there either, though. But after what they both said the other day, it’s pretty obvious now that I look back on it.”

Miyake paused, seeming to achieve something vital in her head. Suddenly, I felt chills run down my spine, and a surge of worry ran throughout my whole body as I oddly felt uneasy.


"Wait... If you knew who he was, then what was he like? Was he still quiet back then? Was he popular? I mean, he looks pretty handsome, so I bet he was popular there! Was he outgoing or talked a lot? I'd pay to see it! Seriously, he never tells me anything about him... It's so stressful! I've never seen him smile before! He's practically invisible in school too! He never talks to anybody, he never looks anybody's way, it’s like he’s just some randomly generated robot that-!”

"Stop! Stop!" I cried, waving my hands frantically in front of her.

Miyake stopped and looked at me in bewilderment. Meanwhile, I had my face buried in my hands, stressed and disoriented to how many questions and how rapidly she spoke. I couldn't remember a single thing she spouted out, as a dazed and nauseous feeling remained in my head.

"Kojima-kun?" She spoke, concerned.

"It's terrifying how excited you can get." I groaned.

"Sorry. I couldn't contain myself..." Miyake apologized, looking down.

"Does that just happen whenever you're in an elevated mood?" I complained.

Miyake nodded slowly. "Yeah…”

It made me worried about how Okumori even dealt with this. If I couldn't deal with it, how could he? I doubt he'd be able to even stand properly by the time she would be finished! It was purely too overwhelming and devastating to understand anything Miyake said.

I pulled my hands away from my face and faced Miyake in an enervated way, then exhaling and finally responding.

"Look, Okumori-kun was more... Joyful back then. I didn't know him too well, so don't expect me to give you a lecture about him. All I know is that he's completely different from how he is now."

Miyake’s buoyant and elegant eyes earlier now had more of a dejected look on them as she listened.

"Something bad happened to him, didn't it?" She asked somberly.

I averted my gaze away from her and reluctantly nodded. I didn’t want to bother talking anymore about Okumori’s past experiences, because I, in all honesty, found it too problematic whenever I think about it. So, I changed the subject to avoid it.

“Hey, couldn’t you just ask him yourself about what he likes?"

Miyake shook her head to my question as she lowered her head again and rested her chin on her arms wearily.

"I doubt he'd tell me what he likes. I don't even know much about him. Plus, it'd destroy the point of my plan. I'm trying to surprise him, but it won't work if he already knows what I'm going to buy him.”

"... Fair point," I agreed.

I then started to wonder what Okumori’s interests could be that could help the curious Miyake in front of me. I know a little something about him right?

"Then... What about a keychain? He might like that… I mean, I would, especially from a girl." I shrugged.

Miyake's eyebrows arched, as she placed her thumb and index finger towards her chin and nodded.

"I see." She said sternly, before turning completely quiet.

"It’s a good idea, right-?”

"Shut up. I'm thinking." She interrupted me.

I became startled at her instantaneous response and just stared at her listlessly, but I settled on following her instructions too, as I was afraid of what could follow next if I didn’t listen.

"What kind of keychains do guys like?" She then looked at me once more.

"... You spent all that time pondering and couldn't find an answer to that?" I replied, a little baffled.

She shook her head rapidly.

The most astounding thing about this whole conversation we were having was how quick-witted she seemed, but was utterly dense and empty-minded when it came to actuality. Well, her adorable innocence makes up for it.

"Why don’t you get him a good luck coin keychain? Ya’ know, something simple. I've seen them around in the mall before. Okumori-kun might like that." I tried to satisfy her.

"Ooh... Okay!" She gave me a thumbs up.

A tricky smile formed on my face as she approved my suggestion.

"What else should I get him?"

Now, she was more jubilant than ever. She brought her whole body forward and hovered above the table, giving me eyes that screamed the childish words of “I want to know, I want to know!” as she smiled readily.

I looked away and waved my hand. "I work in an ice cream shop inside the mall. If you run out of ideas, or simply want to get ice cream, you can come to me and I'll give you guys free ice cream cones. We have a deal where we give first-time customers free ice cream.”

"Yes! I will!" She nodded again.

We continued talking about what Okumori's interests could be such as sports, games, clothing, anything at all that guys would generally like. She was dead set on trying to impress Okumori, but I didn’t argue against it at all. If that’s what she wants, and if that makes her happy, then go all for it.

After a few more minutes of conversing, we would suddenly become hindered by Miyake's phone ringing. She sat back down in her seat and took it out and the message, before letting out a deep sigh.

"I have to go, Kojima-kun. My mom's telling me to go home." She informed me, a little saddened.

"It's fine, I have to go check on my sister anyways."

Miyake froze and looked at me in perplexity.

"You have a sister?" She curiously asked.

I nodded. "She's still in Junior high... And such a nuisance. Though, we get over our problems pretty quickly."

I remembered what Naoko and I had talked about earlier today once more, now looking at Miyake intently as I wavered upon the question I couldn’t stop myself from asking.

"Ah, Miyake-san! Sorry, before you go, I just wanna say something.”

"Hm? What is it?"

“You're a really… Euphoric person, huh?” I chuckled.

Miyake’s eyelids and brows raised in unison once she heard me. Her pupils expanded, too, and her overall look shifted into confoundment. Then, she gave out a cute smirk and shook her head.

"No, of course not!" She giggled. "I'm happy as can be!"

Mutely, I nodded.

"Sorry for the odd compliment... I must’ve surprised you." I bowed my head.

"It's fine, it’s fine!" She gave me another thumbs-up.

Miyake now lifted her finger.

"I'm a little jealous, though! I'm an only child, and my mom's always at work, so I end up being alone in the house for the majority of the time!" She stated.

"Well, you can invite me and we can do something together in your house." I joked frivolously.

Miyake stopped and looked at me in disgust. "Are you trying to hit on me again? Gross." She murmured.

"Not in that way! I didn't mean it that way! Plus, it was a joke! I'm not indecent, I swear!" I yelled out as I thrashed my hands frantically.

"Shut up. Pervert!" She stood up and grabbed her handbag.

"Miyake-san! Believe me!" I reached out to her.

She stuck her tongue out. “Bleh! Weirdo!” she then mocked, until exiting the coffee shop promptly.

"Did he just get rejected..?" The other customers rumored around me.

"He's definitely indecent. They always say those types of things..."

"It's a good thing he didn't get her. She doesn't deserve him if he states such embarrassing things..."

I finally groaned drearily and dropped my head to the table.

Well, at least I got my answer.