The story follows Takashi Osada, 17 years old. A student of Muzukashii High School and a social outcast amongst his fellow students, what they don't know is that Takashi has access to another world where he lives a second life and time has a different flow.
Content with drifting alone between the two worlds, Takashi's life is turned upside down when a girl named Hikaru Miyazawa transfers into not only into his class, but his other world too.
Join them on this journey between a world filled with Action, Adventure, Emotions, Mystery & Intrigue. All while trying to balance their duties and lives at school and their homes.
[Isekai - High Fantasy]
Having written 25 chapters, I've done a rewrite of the first chapter to match and maintain my writing. Enjoy.
[MAL x HF]
Hope you enjoy reading.
[Isekai - High Fantasy]
Having written 25 chapters, I've done a rewrite of the first chapter to match and maintain my writing. Enjoy.
[MAL x HF]
Hope you enjoy reading.
Author | |
Genre | AdventureHaremRomanceSchoolIsekai |
Updated | Sep 29, 2024 |
Chapters | 31 |
Writing Status | Ongoing |
Word Count | 57,395 |