Louis the Builder & The Mystic Mayor

In my previous life, I was a nerdy but skilled model maker. Now I've woken up in another world with a hulking body and super strength. I was entirely out of my element until I met Layla—a firecracker young mayor with a dream.

If you'd have asked my parents, they would have said that I wasted my life. I was quiet, awkward and had very few friends. What I was good at was model making. It consumed my life. I was about to complete my most ambitious project yet, a fantasy village.

Then it all came crashing to a halt.

I woke up in another world. My senses are assaulted by smells worse than even the most illicit craft glue. A huge super strong body with clumsy hands...and her.

Layla. Red hair, water magic and an incredible smile. That young woman also happens to be the mayor of this town.

[Isekai - High Fantasy]

[Isekai - High Fantasy]

UpdatedJun 04, 2023
Writing StatusOngoing
Word Count1,959
Featured fan art of this novel.