Lost in Japan
3.7 K
Jun 22, 2024

Alex Mendes, a naive American high schooler and self-proclaimed weeb, loves slice-of-life anime. So when his childhood friend, Sean Ogawa, who moved to Japan in middle school invites him to stay for the week, Alex jumps at the opportunity. But, will the country live up to his anime-inspired expectations, or will he get lost in his emotions? Tag along and find out in this heartwarming Romantic travel comedy!!!

Note from author

[Updates Whenever I Can]

I'm still working on it. I'm hoping to have it finished by the end of July (⸝⸝๑ ̫ ๑⸝⸝⸝)

Thanks for checking out my novel! I originally started this as a participant in the summer writing contest, but it was a little too fast-paced for me, LOL. I really wanted to finish by the deadline, but I'm happy to have gotten to a "certain point," and the rest will have to come out on the regular Monday/Friday schedule.

I'm really happy to have gotten so much of it written. I'd been wanting to write a book like this, and this book in particular, for a few years now, and to see that people are reading it and enjoying it (hopefully) has been such a joy. I'm so thankful for everyone <(_ _)>

Cover made by a friend using Canva

[Updates Whenever I Can]

I'm still working on it. I'm hoping to have it finished by the end of July (⸝⸝๑ ̫ ๑⸝⸝⸝)

Thanks for checking out my novel! I originally started this as a participant in the summer writing contest, but it was a little too fast-paced for...


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