In a rush to get to his high school entrance ceremony, Asahi Tanaka met a girl named Kana Suzuki on a crowded train, who recently moved to Tokyo. They faced the challenges of starting high school together, with Asahi's best friend Yuta joining their class.
However, Kana faces challenges in making new friends. As their friendship grows, Asahi supports Kana in her quest to make more friends. Asahi and Kana develop a great friendship setting the stage for a promising future, but a mysterious observer raises concerns about Kana's safety, leaving Asahi on guard.
[Present-Day - Chance Encounter]
I write some short stories as a hobby. This is my first time writing a novel and also on this platform. I hope you all like it. I accept all your positive criticism in advance.
[Present-Day - Chance Encounter]
I write some short stories as a hobby. This is my first time writing a novel and also on this platform. I hope you all like it. I accept all your positive criticism in advance.