Nine novel flex: Cringe's poor attempt at surpassing Shiruka

Now that Shiruka sensei is dead, and the editor is out of prison, a new literary star must rise to fill the void left by Shiruka. Who's stepping up to the plate you ask? Why Cringe, the guy who's unironically not funny. The editor's company is screwed.

This chronologically takes immediately after The Shiruka collection/ Yowie Hunt. Its not required to read,but if you want a little more background on a minor plot point of Yowie Hunt season two, read this cringe.

This chronologically takes immediately after The Shiruka collection/ Yowie Hunt. Its not required to read,but if you want a little more background on a minor plot point of Yowie Hunt season two, read this cringe.

UpdatedOct 09, 2023
Writing StatusFinished
Word Count809
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