Black or White: Vol. 1 The beginnings

What would you do if you somehow wake up to a murder scene with a strange killer?

Irina is caught up watching a murderer in his act but somehow manages to escape the situation. However, things become much more complex when the strange murderer joins her school and Irina can't help being dragged into a series of events that begin to turn her life upside down.
Chaos only rises, when she finds that her curiosity is numbing her conscious actions, while the new revelations and her deeply buried past seem to find intimacy around the new student. Will she be able to find normalcy and light in her life again or the darkness from her past will envelop her present and future too?

Explore the thrilling events and twisted plots unfold in the first installment of this psychological and mysterious novel series, Black or White: Volume 1, The Beginnings

UpdatedApr 29, 2024
Writing StatusOngoing
Word Count5,903
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