In the corners of the world of Gaia, a young human named Arsec lives a life of servitude under a renowned goblin chief. He does not see a life beyond the harsh steppes as a nomad slave and has resigned himself to die with no legacy to his name. However, this changes when he realizes he is a millennial descendant of an order he had never heard about—a myth dormant for a thousand years!
When an unspeakable evil encroaches on his home, and the life Arsec once expected to have suddenly switches, he embarks on a journey to learn more about his distant past and lineage to become a new protector in this new age, a Red Warrior.
Along the way, Arsec teams up with other people striving to reach a fate beyond what the world has set for them, finding common cause and companionship as this new party of travelers peel at the greater scheme of Gaia, and hopefully, intervene in the salvation or doom of the world's soul.
Cover Art done by Coco!
Long ago, a young boy drew what he envisioned as his fantasy character, a warrior clad in red garments and armor that would travel a fantasy world, performing heroic deeds and defeating lurking evils. The simplicity of such a premise stuck with the boy as he grew up, and so he continued to scribble and develop the world of Red Warrior, more often than not scrapping everything and starting from scratch, yet never losing the essence of what it was.
This story is a child's dream—my dream—a lightened candle in the darkness that comes when coming of age and growing up. As such, my heart pounds with joy at the sight of readers who would share this experience with me. Thank you for reading!
Cover Art done by Coco!
Long ago, a young boy drew what he envisioned as his fantasy character, a warrior clad in red garments and armor that would travel a fantasy world, performing heroic deeds and defeating lurking evils. The simplicity of such a premise stuck ...