Dang Convergence
1 K
Aug 31, 2024

Living peacefully was all that seventeen-year-old mercenary Dang wanted. Slacker student by day, mercenary bodyguard at night, he navigated the streets of Starlight Bay, California with a determination to survive. Although plagued with memory gaps from his past, he pushed forward to make his future worth remembering.

Going back home from a routine gig, Dang encounters an unknown enemy that nearly ends his life, that is, until after a string of unexpected events, he comes face to face with the only person he can rely on: himself!

As Dang confronts the surreal challenge of coexisting with multiple versions of himself, he must also grapple with the relentless invaders who bring chaos in their wake, disrupting the peace he sought to create for himself

Join Dang and the Gang as they tries to uncover the origin of the quantum displacements along with the threats they bring, the truth behind the alternate versions of his existence, and perhaps the inklings of his forgotten past.


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