Urban Knight is a vibrant and action-packed novel that skillfully blends elements of fantasy and modern-day adventure, set in the dynamic landscape of the Philippines. The story centers around Reese Urban, a young man with extraordinary abilities, who faces the sinister League of Shadows alongside his close-knit group of friends. This combination of mythical Filipino folklore and contemporary settings provides a fresh take on the urban fantasy genre.
Dear Readers,
I wanted to take a moment to share some thoughts and insights about my novel, "Urban Knight." This story has been a labor of love, blending elements of fantasy, action, and adventure, all set against the rich and vibrant backdrop of modern-day Philippines.
"Urban Knight" draws heavily on Filipino folklore, incorporating mythical creatures like the tikbalang and manananggal into a contemporary setting. My goal was to create a narrative that not only entertains but also highlights the cultural heritage and unique myths of the Philippines. At its core, this novel explores themes of friendship, loyalty, and the eternal battle between good and evil. Through Reese Urban's journey, I wanted to depict the importance of family and the lengths one would go to protect their loved ones.
Dear Readers,
I wanted to take a moment to share some thoughts and insights about my novel, "Urban Knight." This story has been a labor of love, blending elements of fantasy, action, and adventure, all set against the rich and vibrant backdrop of modern-day Philip...