17-year-old Elena finds herself trapped in a psych ward, the only girl among a group of mysterious and broken young men. Once a health-conscious perfectionist, Elena’s life took a drastic turn after a traumatic event during her final year of high school—a secret she refuses to share with anyone. Now, she copes by rejecting everything she once believed in, surviving on nothing but junk food and sarcasm.
Surrounded by four troubled boys: Nico, the sharp-tongued rebel; Kai, the silent observer; Aiden, the boy with a normal smile hiding a fractured soul; and Jonah, the wildcard with a dark past, Elena struggles to find meaning in her shattered world. They all want to know her story, but she’s not ready to tell.
As they try to break down her walls, each boy becomes a potential ally, or maybe something more, but Elena is determined not to let anyone get too close. Because when you almost die, what’s the point in caring anymore?