In the close but distant future the world has been ravaged by natural disasters and wars. A couple decades after in the year 2073, the world is peaceful and more or less back to the way it once was. However, people are totally reliant on technology to fill the voids that were left from the decades of strife. EV-Gear such as the Electric Vitality Specs and Electric Vitality Idols. (EV-Specs and EV-Idols for short). Have taken over as an outlet for the population to take their mind off of the stresses of everyday life. EV-Idol industry has rose to become one of the more lucrative entertainment scene in existence. However, not until a scrawny girl gets put in the picture changing the industry little by little. This may seem all fine and dandy but the catch is ….. NOBODY KNOWS SHE IS A HUMAN. This a story of a chance encounter completely changes the
EV-Idol Industry forever.
HARMONIC FUTURE submission for MAL x Honeyfeed Writing Contest
HARMONIC FUTURE submission for MAL x Honeyfeed Writing Contest