After The Great Famine killed millions worldwide, the United Nations came together to ensure that no one would ever face starvation again. All focus was put into advancing technology to give everyone across the globe easier access to food. You only needed the right machines and a piece of land in order to grow your own crops, regardless of the actual condition of the land, and the set up was so simple even a child could do it.
However, this caused the value of land to become worth its size in gold. Conflicts arose between countries, companies, and religious organizations over who owned rights to where. Soon those who would have died from starvation instead perished from being caught between the crossfire over territory.
Nevertown is a sanctuary in the desert, with the next closest civilization being the big city Glamor 50 miles away. All lost children separated and injured by war find themselves here. The owner of Nevertown wants to protect these children, but will he be able to?
[Alt-History] Modern times changed due to a major famine in history. Technology surrounding farming/agriculture is so advanced even children can use it.
[Alt-History] Modern times changed due to a major famine in history. Technology surrounding farming/agriculture is so advanced even children can use it.