
In a steampunk-inspired story, the fallen villain known as the Brass Baron watches his gruesome legacy unfold on the evening news, reduced to a lifeless image on the screen. Haunted by loss and regret, he stumbles upon a girl from Coghaven who holds a flicker of hope amidst the darkness. As tensions rise and war looms, her mysterious presence challenges him to confront his past and reconsider the choices he's made. Over the Wall is a powerful tale of transformation, sacrifice, and the unexpected paths to redemption. Will he find the strength to forge a new future or remain shackled by his legacy?

Note from author

This is my first one-shot story, hope you like it! In the future I would like to explore this world and the characters more so stay tune for that.

This is my first one-shot story, hope you like it! In the future I would like to explore this world and the characters more so stay tune for that.


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