In a world riddled with the failures of the elites, unstoppable alien invasions, and powerless governments, mankind is on the brink of annihilation. In this dystopia, only those who're under the age of 21 are allowed into the dome - a technologically advanced megastructure built in order to gauge the ability and potential of the remaining humans.
A nihilistic yet somewhat determined adolescent, Takumi takes it upon himself to stop the very decay of the world by taking down anyone who opposes him in his pursuit of restoring world order - and to do that, he'd need to undergo something extraordinary.
Will the fate of the never-changing, ever-dying world be altered? Or would it fall into a forgotten oblivion?
Prompt: My New Life as a...
Theme(s): #Fantasy #Sci-Fi
My themes: #Tragedy #Isekai #Military/War
Prompt: My New Life as a...
Theme(s): #Fantasy #Sci-Fi
My themes: #Tragedy #Isekai #Military/War