10 years ago, a mysterious man known as Father Thompson had brought about The Guiding Light to a society filled with despair. Rumored to have built the Church in a single night, Father Thompson is now renown as a miracle worker. A friend. A teacher. A hero.
There is one man who resists Father Thompson. A man who calls himself “The Light of Darkness.” Mario Chou is a 20-something year old hobo residing in an abandoned building in the town junkyard. He vows to one day destroy the Church with the power of magical girls! He searches for such heroines in the land of the real.
Maika Sussmey: A runaway from the Correction Facility.
Elise Cadence: An occult maniac high school girl.
Quinn Imai: Self-proclaimed ace detective.
May Wong: Mario’s stalker.
And Eternal.
Eternal is God. A God who’s sick of being God. He entrusts Mario in bringing about the last in entertainment.
This is the story of a man who wants to save the world.
Prompt: Impossible Romance
Theme(s): #Comedy #Harem #Revenge #Drama
My themes: #MagicalGirl
Prompt: Impossible Romance
Theme(s): #Comedy #Harem #Revenge #Drama
My themes: #MagicalGirl
Author | |
Genre | ActionComedyHaremRomancePost-Apocalyptic |
Updated | Nov 14, 2021 |
Chapters | 0 |
Writing Status | Finished |
Word Count | 0 |