Spearheaded by two prominent families, the Yusei and the Takanashi, Tokyo undergoes a massive technological revolution in the past 10 years. Due to a string of disagreements, however, the relationship between the two families sours as they stop cooperating and instead start competing to control the city through their innovations. Shion is the child of an executive of the Takanashi and goes to a party held by the Yusei to help ease tensions and reforge friendly ties. Everything falls apart when a Takanashi executive is killed by an exploding bagel and the Yusei escape by bungee jumping. Shion swears revenge but as the fights go on, he stumbles upon secrets that were not meant to be uncovered.

I wanted to try writing and this contest was a good excuse. This story is basically practice and for fun, but advice would still be appreciated and would help in possible future stories.

I wanted to try writing and this contest was a good excuse. This story is basically practice and for fun, but advice would still be appreciated and would help in possible future stories.

GenreMilitary / WarSci-FiPost-ApocalypticCyberpunk
UpdatedJun 11, 2022
Writing StatusOngoing
Word Count1,705
Featured fan art of this novel.