Isekai Any%
Sep 11, 2022



Isekais often take place in RPG-like video games. The 23 year old Shifters speedrunner Blaz1ng found this out by accident when he happened to see the popular Isekai Overmaster with a friend. It fascinated him and he decided at that moment to become the best player in the MMORPG, have a date with a truck and then speedrun his next life with all the bugs and glitches he had learned in his existence as a speedrunner.

Note from author

I will finish my other novel befor starting this one. But you can command if the premise sounds interesseting/funny to you. It will have it all, wallrunning, wrong hit detection, dupe glitches, flight hacks, and an obligatory demon king if im feeling funny enough

I will finish my other novel befor starting this one. But you can command if the premise sounds interesseting/funny to you. It will have it all, wallrunning, wrong hit detection, dupe glitches, flight hacks, and an obligatory demon king if im feeling funny enough

(no title)

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