The Spirit In Me

Energia is the source of power humans possessed throughout history. Although its powerful benefits, technology has slowly begun to take over. Humanity reached a stable and comfortable life, more than ever before in history. But recently, odd creatures started to arrive. Those doll-looking creatures, seem harmless, but send a powerful message. Our battle wasn't over. They have been gone for ages. For thousands of years. Humanity has forgotten about them. But, for an unknown reason, they are back. And with them, the cases of people going mad. Why are they back? What are they and what is the Energia? Find out in the upcoming and exciting series - The spirit in me.

Hello everyone! Before I start this journey with you, I wanted to take this moment to say few words. This story has been planned for years. From the moment I firstly started to imagined it, passed more than 10 years. My desire to complete my story has been tested many times.

When I was going through depression. When I was literally losing my mind and became insane. When I came back into reality, almost died, had my parents divorced, got a part time job, moved out of my dad house, met the love of my life, and recently lost my dad to cancer in the past year. My life has been a roller-coaster in many ways. No matter what happened in my life, I pushed through to make it a reality.

This series is dedicated to my wife. She's the only one that believed in me since day one, and still is. Enjoy!

Hello everyone! Before I start this journey with you, I wanted to take this moment to say few words. This story has been planned for years. From the moment I firstly started to imagined it, passed more than 10 years. My desire to complete my story has been tested man...

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Oct 11, 2022icon-views 163icon-reaction-15
Chapter 1: Chapter 1. Introduction
Oct 11, 2022icon-views 49icon-reaction-11
Chapter 2: Chapter 2. The day we have been waiting for, arrived.
Oct 12, 2022icon-views 55icon-reaction-11
Chapter 3: Chapter 3. The End And The Beginning.
Oct 12, 2022icon-views 43icon-reaction-11
Chapter 4: Prologue: Chapter 4. The Spirits
Oct 13, 2022icon-views 31icon-reaction-11
Chapter 5: Chapter 5. New Arrival.
Oct 14, 2022icon-views 32icon-reaction-11
Chapter 6: Chapter 6. First encounter. (I)
Oct 14, 2022icon-views 25icon-reaction-11
Chapter 7: Chapter 6. First encounter. (II)
Oct 14, 2022icon-views 26icon-reaction-11
Chapter 8: Chapter 6. First encounter. (III)
Oct 14, 2022icon-views 20icon-reaction-11
Chapter 9: Chapter 6. First encounter. (IV)
Oct 15, 2022icon-views 24icon-reaction-11
Chapter 10: Chapter 6. First encounter. (V)
Oct 18, 2022icon-views 28icon-reaction-11
Chapter 11: Chapter 7. The Disappearance of Ruan (I)
Oct 19, 2022icon-views 39icon-reaction-11
Chapter 12: Chapter 7. The Disappearance of Ruan (II)
Oct 20, 2022icon-views 30icon-reaction-11
Chapter 13: Chapter 7. The Disappearance of Ruan (III)
Oct 21, 2022icon-views 28icon-reaction-11
Chapter 14: Chapter 7. The Disappearance of Ruan (IV)
Oct 22, 2022icon-views 22icon-reaction-11
Chapter 15: Chapter 7. The Disappearance of Ruan (V)
Oct 25, 2022icon-views 26icon-reaction-11
Chapter 16: Chapter 8. Stay Away. (I)
Oct 26, 2022icon-views 28icon-reaction-11
Chapter 17: Chapter 8. Stay Away. (II)
Oct 27, 2022icon-views 24icon-reaction-11
Chapter 18: Chapter 8. Stay Away. (III)
Oct 28, 2022icon-views 22icon-reaction-11
Chapter 19: Chapter 8. Stay Away. (IV)
Oct 29, 2022icon-views 27icon-reaction-11
Chapter 20: Chapter 8. Stay Away. (V)
Nov 01, 2022icon-views 27icon-reaction-11
Chapter 21: Chapter 9. Stay Away Part II. (I)
Nov 02, 2022icon-views 24icon-reaction-11
Chapter 22: Chapter 9. Stay Away Part II. (II)
Nov 03, 2022icon-views 26icon-reaction-11
Chapter 23: Chapter 9. Stay Away Part II. (III)
Nov 04, 2022icon-views 21icon-reaction-11
Chapter 24: Chapter 9. Stay Away Part II. (IV)
Nov 05, 2022icon-views 19icon-reaction-11
Chapter 25: Chapter 9. Stay Away Part II. (V)
Nov 08, 2022icon-views 26icon-reaction-11
Chapter 26: Chapter 10. The Monster (I)
Nov 09, 2022icon-views 19icon-reaction-11
Chapter 27: Chapter 10. The Monster (II)
Nov 10, 2022icon-views 19
Chapter 28: Chapter 10. The Monster (III)
Nov 11, 2022icon-views 16
Chapter 29: Chapter 10. The Monster (IV)
Nov 12, 2022icon-views 21
Chapter 30: Chapter 10. The Monster (V)
Nov 15, 2022icon-views 26
Chapter 31: Chapter 11. Dot's memory (I)
Nov 16, 2022icon-views 17
Chapter 32: Chapter 11. Dot's memory (II)
Nov 17, 2022icon-views 22
Chapter 33: Chapter 11. Dot's memory (III)
Nov 18, 2022icon-views 19
Chapter 34: Chapter 11. Dot's memory (IV)
Nov 19, 2022icon-views 16
Chapter 35: Chapter 11. Dot's memory (V)
Nov 22, 2022icon-views 21
Chapter 36: Chapter 12. What do I want to believe in? (I)
Nov 23, 2022icon-views 19
Chapter 37: Chapter 12. What do I want to believe in? (II)
Nov 24, 2022icon-views 17
Chapter 38: Chapter 12. What do I want to believe in? (III)
Nov 25, 2022icon-views 16
Chapter 39: Chapter 12. What do I want to believe in? (IV)
Nov 26, 2022icon-views 21
Chapter 40: Chapter 12. What do I want to believe in? (V)
Nov 27, 2022icon-views 25
Chapter 41: Chapter 13. The Eruption (I)
Nov 27, 2022icon-views 21
Chapter 42: Chapter 13. The Eruption (II)
Nov 27, 2022icon-views 18
Chapter 43: Chapter 13. The Eruption (III)
Nov 27, 2022icon-views 18
Chapter 44: Chapter 13. The Eruption (IV)
Nov 27, 2022icon-views 17
Chapter 45: Chapter 13. The Eruption (V)
UpdatedNov 27, 2022
Writing StatusOngoing
Word Count62,154
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