Azuma-sato, a young, energetic teenage boy, sets out on an adventure to road of being an adventurer. Acquired a power disc granting power every time the wielder draws power from it. His dream gets accomplished in the end ,but, what he gets as a reward of his vigorous training is just an entity to be seen. Azuma-sato must find a way to overcome this hardship. He must learn to be strong. From the betrayal he endures and the pain he undergoes,still keeping a strong heart, will teach him not to trust anyone and to keep true to himself. The only thing pushing him forward is the inability to be helpful to his sister. Living with very powerful beings he also develops his-self. New phenomenon cases are seen. Anger,pain,sorrow,grief,beauty and other kinds of emotions are heavily experienced. This is his story on him changing the odds and rising through the ranks and becoming a god ranked human and the newest member of the seven legendary Adzukis.

UpdatedNov 23, 2022
Writing StatusOngoing
Word Count314
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