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In the bustling city of Sakura Falls, lies Harmony High School, renowned for its picturesque cherry blossom gardens and its unique approach to education. Amidst the blooming flowers and vibrant hallways, a tale of love, friendship, and self-discovery unfolds. Enter Sora Tanaka, an ordinary yet ch...
In the neon-soaked streets of Tokyo, Kenji, a young man seeking his identity through urban exploration, meets a woman with extraordinary abilities and a mysterious past. Their meeting leads them on a nocturnal adventure through the city's rooftops, where they confront dangerous individuals and...
Just a collection of words. There's no real rhyme or reason to it. Some are short, some are long, all are mine.
We explore the past from the point of view of Ichika's brother,Ichinose Narukami
Matteo, half animal, half human, lost all his tribe when he was young, naughty humans killed all the people he loved in front of him. Thanks to his human side the humans thought he'd been kidnapped by the animals. From this moment he started to hate humans more than anything and when he became st...
Prequel of Pierro We see the story of past from the point of view of Ichika Narukami
In a post-apocalyptic world, remnants of society are governed by a mysterious organization conducting experiments on children. These young subjects, created in a clandestine facility, possess unique abilities tied to the catastrophic event. As they navigate a world in ruins, the children uncover ...
It's 1954, and the King of the world has passed away. As the world enters the most tense phase in its long history, a secret war begins between 20 candidates for the King's position. As a series of betrayals and blood shed break out, it seems that maybe the victor will have to give up everything ...
Malefic, a mysterious energy present everywhere earth, nature , air and even in a person body. Some people even called it magic due to mystery result. After 3 years later, he returned from his trip purpose to become strong, to his Guild where he call home 'Dragon Fang'. Volt Fang, 16 years ...