I am

I am

A good for nothing who found his place which was writing a story

registered at: Sep 29, 2021
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    A 20 year old trying to survive.
    Hello there ! I am a manga and fantasy novel enthusiast who loves writing and would love to see his worlds come to life. I hope you'll have fun reading my novels !
    20 year old Otaku Rapper Amateur storyteller Novice Novelist Self Proclaimed オタク王子 I try to create wherever I can with whatever is out there. I want to be someone who contributes to Otaku culture as a whole. I don't fully know how this site works so I'll be doing continuations the way I see them done in actual books
    Get ideas by simulation and experiments. Maximum brainstorming around 11 PM - 12 AM while lying on the bed
    Just a newbie writer who's lost in a fantasy world.
    The more you make sense about something, the more it doesn't.
    Currently on hiatus!
    If I'm bored with a project, I drop it. Its that simple. I then come back to it when I feel like it.
    Ah writing... it let's me smash metaphorical action figures together. What's not to like? Email: JoshuaLundquest@Gmail.com
    i give good edit 4 free (only girl dm me thx) discord supersession
    Male 18 years 2 months 3 days 2 hours 15 minutes 12 13 14...seconds
    I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world. AE.
    I write Romance & BL's novel sometimes. Come check my page if you're interested.
    I’m fairly new to writing Webnovels so any kind of support you can give is greatly appreciated. I’d love it if people would give me feedback on my work and I’d be happy to return the favor.
    Hello! I’m J.J. Writer. Artist. Filipino. Full time dad. Husband. Father of 3. I like to make stuff. I'm writing a novel titled Hand of Rel and I use video games as my creative outlet. -FOLLOW ME- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/handofrel/ Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@handofrel?lang=en Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/Handofrel/featured
    Always very lazy, but always serious when someone calls me out.
    I'am a 22 years old Brazilian I hope you enjoy my novels
    Hey, my name is Hussain Maknoon I'm a beginner story writer I like to write stories because it's fun and I feel like the more I write the more I get better at writing so be patient with me, please And try to give me advice if possible I hope you enjoy the journey with me.