

Just a skeleton passing by!

registered at: Oct 01, 2021
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Oct 01, 2021

Last chapter, o boi. I just realized, when I first read the chapter's title, I thought "huh, that's not very last chapter title-y", but now I realize it's actually a great name. Very foreboding. I'm impressed! In a happy way.

Now, I think in here I should overall write my thoughts about the whole thing.

I did like it, till the very end. The imagery was strong, the battle scenes were wonderfully written and I had a lot of fun. I think the strongest point was your writing of the main character herself, Karin had a lot of depth and seemed like a completely fleshed out character, that I wish I could pay a visit to the psychologist to.

The problem was... well, I think you have a lot of people talking to you about pacing and about flashback placement (which kinda confused me on prior chapters, yup), but I wanted to take another stance on this.

I feel like you didn't have a firm enough stand on what you wanted to write about. The story starts incredibly grounded, with a daily life that most of us can relate to. Made us feel like the settings were familiar and the characters relatable. The problems introduced were also really harsh, (I'm still very confounded about their legal system, I've never seen anything like it), but still grounded in reality. Of course, they're magical girls, they don't have to BE real, they are actually not, but the story felt closer to reality, and to real problems like the harsh truth of the legal system, being abandoned by your family and friends, being poor and having a tough schedule, anger issues and depression. It all felt very real.

And then you completely changed the tone of the story when moving onto the "magical" part of it. Of course, not expecting it to sound completely real, but you were talking levels of "doomsday devices" and "attacks that take the earth out of its orbit". All those things made it look like a children's show where villains are two dimensional, poorly written creatures that wanna take over the world just because, and the power levels as absurd as those in dragon ball. It was a tad too much. The carefully grounded story you were constructing, felt like a completely different thing. Suddenly, Karin's disconnection with herself fell behind and the story was not about that anymore, it was about big monsters and evilness and cool superpower that defy reality. (Don't get me wrong, the fighting scenes were still wonderful even if the powers were crazy). Those cool things are cool on their own, but it completely destroyed the ambience you were building from chapter one onward.

Aside from that, I felt bad about how the characters felt to me. Other than Karin, they felt pretty two dimensional as well, but I mostly blame that on the lenght of the story, which is far too short. Rose was the best written character after Karin, he had his strenghts and weaknesses, his personality, all that well defined. I'd say Baise was fine, but felt like, sorry to say it, a dump where to pour everything else. Rose is the pink flirt, Karin is the angry red and Roxy (oh poor roxy you lacked so much character development) is the happy yellow. But Baise was all the rest combined. No color defined, so mysterious, no emotions, so very cool, a doctor, so the healer, and therapist too, so also able to understand everyone in spite of not emoting very much themselves. Not forgetting they also know how to make incredible technology and perhaps they're also able to cure cancer. They're a jack of all trades, like someone you gave too many qualities, and little drawbacks. I think the whole cast would've benefitted from a few chapters dedicated to themselves and their relationship with their friends, because ultimately their friendship also felt empty. We want to see those things, the relationship between Roxy and Rose, how Baise can be vulnerable too, Karin's bond, we want to see those things. If you write a sequel, (or a prequel, I wouldn't mind reading that at all), then perhaps you can focus on that a little bit more.

I didn't mean to rant this much oops. TLDR!!! I liked it, the internal conflict was wonderful but the moods and tones for the beginning and the end of the story are so different it feels like a completely different story, characters could use a little more work. Also fight scenes very very cool. I definitely enjoyed this.

Otomaho: Who Said an Adult Can No Longer Be a Magical Girl?!

Oct 01, 2021

Oh boi here I am.

This man sounds incredibly unprofessional for a hitman. Where's the "nothing personnel, kid"? Way to be excited about your job lol. I would guess she's dead, but taking into account the chapter's title, I highly doubt it.

Oh god I was into all this body horror of bones breaking and then you had that line about a turbine coming out of her back and I just. Laughed out loud. That was not what I expected.

Again, I feel like I'm missing something. They fought her before? And they destroyed a galaxy? Um, what? I assumed what was happening was that the wound she had form the fight with the dark lord reacted with her magic in strange ways, but I don't know all the details, so excuse me if I feel lost in this section.

More new names I don't know, more situations I'm not familiar with. I can get what they're saying tho, so I can continue, even if I'm bewildered. I am sensing a final fight and I wanna read it,its interesting!!

Regarding the flashback, I don't really understand what plan they had in mind. They knew Aka was the weakest, and yet they left her alone? Knowing it was a trap? Of course she got captured and beaten, she had no backup, they didn't even bother going in groups of two, like. What did you expect. I feel so bad for my girl Aka she doesn't deserve this.

Overall, I finished the chapter and I'm not sure what's happening anymore. Is this what's happening in the story? Is it not? I think you jumped through many settings too quickly, reality, the past, the future of the past before the present... perhaps reading this all in a setting didn't help, but I just wanted to voice my confusion. I think I understand the barebones of it. Perhaps that's good enough.

Otomaho: Who Said an Adult Can No Longer Be a Magical Girl?!

Oct 01, 2021

Karin runs away from her problems, as always. I wonder if this is what severed her connections with her friends. After all, you can run as soon as you sense a problem approaching, but one day you may very well find yourself running alone.

This comes as rather abrupt. Did I miss something? Did I skip a line or two? How come they're living in the dark lord's ship. What? I'm literally so confused. Understandable she wants to run away from that, she seems to have some trauma related to it. Well, so does Rose, but we dont know much about it.

Also, I expected her relationship with her father to be somewhat not the greatest, since she never seemed to contact him at all, but didnt she have expensive training equipment on her apartment? Equipment her father bought her, if I'm not mistaken. So I thought her father was the doting type, but she regards him as "not welcoming", so I don't really have a clear take on what their relationship is like...

"She was surprised he owned a house at his age." At his late 30s? Wow, the housing situation is worse than I ever thought lmao. Ok Ryu I hope you're not another weirdo. Sadly, someone helping out of the kindness of their hearts is unlikely......... oh well, I just knew it xD

The dude went on about a plan, I mean I knew that Rose and company had something up their sleeves but I just. I didn't understand anything this time around. I' so confused help.

I think I'll just say.... man, she only just ate that steak and was immediately impaled in the stomach. Let her digest it!!! Her food!!! QoQ

Otomaho: Who Said an Adult Can No Longer Be a Magical Girl?!

Otomaho: Who Said an Adult Can No Longer Be a Magical Girl?!

Otomaho: Who Said an Adult Can No Longer Be a Magical Girl?!

Oct 01, 2021

Hm, so we were cut out from the extreme and tense writing to be deliverd a short "and this is what happened." Feels bittersweet, that we have to find out like this....

Oh, a new name, who's Roxy? One of the magical girls? Don't think I've heard it before. Perhaps she's yellow. Perhaps. I assume she is. That being said, Roxy feels a bit childish to me, but she seems to be the happy person of the group, going on by her colors, so it makes sense.

Ooooh wait, so they're the ones that were talking in the shadows on chapter 2! This makes so much sense now! :D Now this opens up a lot of other questions. I'm eager to read more.

Moral of the story: Don't fight to break down morally wrong institutions, our magical girl's job is to make people feel better, not actually solve their problems. We're now: Magical Psychologists! Excellent sequel, I love it (lmao I'm joking)

Going back to serious mode, I get their plan is very well thought out and they seem to have all tools to make it happen, but... I'm here wondering, why did no one tell her about this? She even encountered Rose at the beginning of the story and he made no effort to confide her plan to her. Her former friends never seemed to get in touch with her. Why? If they need her for her plan, why didn't they make an effort to contact her, and instead waited till the last minute where she was about to blow off a building? I'm left confused at these bonds of friendship they supposedly have...

Otomaho: Who Said an Adult Can No Longer Be a Magical Girl?!

Oct 01, 2021

Well this chapter starts sour. I have a friend that hurts himself in fits of rage, it's not a pretty sight. Perhaps Karin should consider visiting a therapist...

I have to make a comment on Karin's conversation with herself. She's ranting to herself about her actions in prior chapters and commenting on them, but you keep changing between "Aka" and "Karin". Since you've tried to establish them as separate entities before, specially with the mirror scene, this feels jarring. Like they're both the same entity but a different name, perhaps? It just comes out as confusing overall. Perhaps you're trying to make different stances on each sentence but they come so close to each other that I just can't feel it.

Oh that's a way to deal with anger issues. Just go to a sketchy taekwondo course and learn to make a fireball with your anger, then throw it to space. Just how much strenght does she have...? That's quite the force you need, too much, I'd say.

No, Karin, sadly you won't learn anything from how police works to put people in prison. Usually it's not legitimate reasons nor actual crimes what makes someone get arrested, sadly. You're better off not learning any of that.

"Ma'am, we can't make exceptions." A blatant lie lmao.

The reason why people are locked up here are surely bizarre. You go to jail for not re-registering? Whatever that means? The guards are allowed to break the inmate's bones? And this one was even inspired by the magical girls' job, why would he do something like this? I really don't know that much about the law but this makes me feel like my suspension of disbelief is walking on a thin string right there... feels like it goes directly against human rights.

Go, Aka, tear this place to the ground, surely that'll help

Otomaho: Who Said an Adult Can No Longer Be a Magical Girl?!

Oct 01, 2021

I read that Winona conversation in a whole sitting, I was quite entranced by it. In spite of her barely having any time for herself, she feels like a good woman and I like her. She gave explanations and solutions, which is nice considering her circumstances. Again I keep feeling like all this "let's keep a child in jail for possibly months" before a trial is highly illegal, but I have hopes that someone is interfering with the situation.

Oh, glof clubs xD Golf clubs for rich people, to be precise. Makes me wonder why she nas no money, despite being basically a newspaper celebrity. But nice excuse to get in! :D

I have to say, while whole golf-tour situation would've been kinda funny for a teenager, seeing a grown adult emanating firey fury because of a couple comments from the poor caddie who's just doing their job, makes me worried about her mental well-being. Different mood, I guess.

Oh, I was confused for a second but this seems like a magical clone situation! Reminds me of the Witch comics, very good stuff, like it.

The judge gave me bad vibes to begin with "don't distract a man while he's golfing". But his approach to the situation was even worse. "Bail should be set accordingly with the crime"? But it was just petty theft and in the end nothing was stolen. Tyler's a child and shouldn't even be going to jail at all. This feels highly irregular.

... Now that I think about it, why does she have to go see the judge at all? There hasn't been a trial yet, as you said in prior chapters. Shouldn't she just go to the police...?

And the prosecutor feels infinitely worse, sigh. But this felt kind of... out of character for Aka, considering how she's been acting lately. She was the kind to angerly suplex a dude that wanted to woo her with a fake car, and now she storms off without expressing her thoughts to the prosecutor? It's a situation that could've been easily explained. I guess Karin doesn't really have the patience to deal with him, but storming off without notice feels, at the very least, a little bit odd.

.... And why does she gotta pay for? The tour? Are tours something you have to pay?? What?

Otomaho: Who Said an Adult Can No Longer Be a Magical Girl?!

Oct 01, 2021

Oh boi, we start with equations. Well, as much as I hate math, it was a funny sentence xD

And why would you skip the morning anime? Even if you want to be "full serious", (why would anime prevent you from being serious?), didn't you say it helps unwind tension and relax before a stressful day? You have anger issues, Karin, every day is going to be stressful, specially today, since you're gonna have to deal with attorney stuff....

The mirror scene seems to delve into Karin having... some sort of impostor syndrome. It makes it feel like Aka and Karin are two different people, and perhaps they are? Or perhaps Aka is just an exaggeration of who Karin is, but effectively the same person. The disconnection between the two is real, and I wonder if this is even good for a job like this. We'll have to see.

Why are there so many children in need of help? Either this city hates children and makes them suffer, or the parent negligence is over the roof, jesus.

Aha, so in her previous life she WAS fighting otherworldy threats. Good to know. I wonder what happened to them. Now I want a prequel lmao.

I like how despite being a magical girl, having fame and glory, she has to wait up like everyone else. This could be felt as a "oh she has to accept adult life like everyone else" but to mee it feels more like a "well Shakira wouldn't even have to wait a single second, so perhaps she's not as famous and loved as the author wants us to believe". Cuz you know, rich/famous people can get away with mostly anything.

I also assume this is a cultural thing. I keep hearing about "customers being assholes to daily workers" but I have never ever witnessed that with my own eyes. Perhaps Spain is a nicer place to be a retail worker, who knows lmao.

... Oh, and we jump straight into a flashback? Seems like a flashback. Magicall Yellow my beloved finally makes an appearance! and... Báisè....? I don't know how to pronounce that you'll have to excuse me. It's supposed to be a... play? Yup they're playing haha cute. I assume this is with them as teenagers. It would be good to accentuate it, since I was just plainly imagining adult Karin going at it and felt a little disconnected from the scene.

Ohh.... "my analytical skills keep me from making irrational choices, and I'm having issues with replicatin villain dialogue." That's just a way to say "villains are irrational and their motivations are dumb". That's... usually not the case. At all. Except you're a black and white villain that wants to conquer the world just because, everyone's the hero of their own story. Every action everyone takes has a reasoning, and saying a villain is irrational for wanting something is just ignoring all the baggage that comes with those wants and needs. Not very cool for the "analytical" character. They might be a teen in this flashback but that didn't sound very good here.

... And this next scene caught me off guard. I don't know where this is coming from, or when is it happening at all. Felt strange, that's all.

Otomaho: Who Said an Adult Can No Longer Be a Magical Girl?!

Oct 01, 2021

Oh, boy, an interesting start! Glad to see I was wrong, it's always pleasant to be debunked on stuff like this. We see Karin as pretty lawful, nice nice.

Again Xi'er. The name has been thrown around a couple times but we still know nothing about her. I don't know if this is giving me intrigue or just a sense that a few scenes relating to her at the beginning would've been better.

Oh my god why did she think it was a good idea to put her hands on fire, Xi'er what the hell haha. Something tells me that truck driver is dead <.<;

Oooh, a new piece of info about magical girls! Their power comes from emotions! Excellent, I am pleased to have more to speculate with. Now I wonder, are her anger issues what gave her the power, or is the power what gave her her anger issues?

I assume magical rose is the guy we encountered on chapter 1, the one on the flash dating thingie. I assumed he would be important, and well, he's a magical girl! Good to know. Wonder if he's a trans man. I hope not, because then that comment Karin made about him not being "a real man" would be far too mean and petty.

The woman is complaining that she was saved? Perhaps she was trying to commit suicide. Would remind me of how the incredibles handled the first movie, it's a very valid reason to get angry for being saved after all. Happy that the crowd decided to defend her, but I'm really sorry for the driver and I hope someone pays for that truck xD

Ah, perhaps it was because of the suit modifications, perhaps I jumped the gun too quickly there, never mind lmao. That being said, what the heck Karin dont kidnap people without their consent (in short, no kidnapping plz)

Oooh ok this explains it better. Nice conflict! The boy didn't mean any real harm but she took him to jail anyway, causing more harm than good for other people. Great food for thought, what crimes are really worth pursuing? The law is adamant on locking everyone up, but we have to consider people's circumstances. Probably stealing some supplies out of poverty isn't really worth the trouble for a magical girl. (That being said, you don't get thrown into jail right away,specially for something minor like this, you'd have your data taken to the police station and get out without real sentence. If I remember correctly your crimes need to amount to certain amount of jail time for you to actually get in there. At least that's how it works in my country). Also, the boy she detained is in school?? Why is he in jail then?? He sould've been sentenced to community service or some time in a "prison for minors", not straight out jail lmao.

The legal situation of most countries sucks and I'm not going to deny this. But I think that just being held in prison without having a trial is straight up illegal. Specially for a minor.

It's so out of place both morally and legally speaking that it just seems out of place. It seems like there's an ulterior motive behind it.

Nice metaphor with the punching bag being herself btw. It let me slip into her mind for a moment and I appreciate that.

This time the anger seems more appropriate than any of the last times she felt angry. Guess she did have a pretty stressful day.

.... Ok never mind, she fell asleep on the kitchen floor and she refused to eat dinner. That IS a little bit over the top. I don't know much about anger issues tho, perhaps this is a normal reaction...?

Oh well, onto the next!

Otomaho: Who Said an Adult Can No Longer Be a Magical Girl?!

Oct 01, 2021

Ooooh, so the news know about this? I mean it would make sense that they did, but feels like something no anime has explored before.

Ok so this scene makes it sound like the "bad guys" both know Aka and care for her at the same time, (hoping it wont end up with combat for her sake feels like they worry about her well-being). It also sounds like the two thieves from chapter 1 are related to these guys' plans? Which I find weird? They seemed like normal petty thieves. Although perhaps that "entire Blue's gang" is something important, we didn't get to see any of it, hence my confusion.

This next part focuses on the main character's stress, it seems. She needs her magical girl powers to escape from frustration? Seems a little bit like an over the top reaction, but mostly because the reason for her stress was not really stated. Was it the city lights and the noise? Those can indeed be stressful but you didn't make it sounds like a big deal, mostly comparing it to an alarm clock. Why is she so stressed then? Perhaps she has anxiety issues, but that also wasn't explored...

Here we're introduced to Xi'er's name. No clue who that is, sounds like another magical girl tho. Chinese sounding, somehow.

Oh man I can't believe Susie from Undertale is making an appearance (lol)

So we saw a scene where she helps people and feels good about it. We don't see her really kicking out any darkness creature or anything, just menial tasks. That leaves me to wonder what kind of dangers she faced in the past, and if it was more or less the same as she's doing now. For now, the feeling of "I want to kick evil's butt" is sending little red flags for me, like she wants to punch people to relieve stress, which is kinda not cool. But we'll see.

Oh man we went with the pedo-flags. That was pretty sour to read...

Grace, another co-worker. I gotta keep track of all the names or I'll end up very lost in this, oops. She looks like a troublemaker indeed, and seems to adress once more the anger issues Karin has. So it's been brought up a couple times now, perhaps it's gonna be important.

Hey omg 20 bucks of free stuff, if I got that my smile would be real as all heck.

Welp, the boss is a jerk indeed, he just gave her 20 bucks out of thin air but cant order a new name tag because it costs 20 bucks. Lol. It just seems like he doesn't want to do it whatsoever because of the "plastering a new letter over it would interfere with dresscode", that's such a cheap excuse. I get that being treated like that can be a little irksome. However, leaving your job because of this also sounds a little bit of an overreaction, it's just one letter and really as the boss said its not that different in the end. The pronunciation is also more or less the same. I'm just saying this because finding a job is, in this time and age, a little more hard to come by than usual. Perhaps that's not the case and she can find a job no problem whenever she wants, but again, I think this is another problem related to her anger issues.

Cliffhanger for the end! Impossible decisions are sometimes solved by a third party, let's see if I'm correct on that one!

Otomaho: Who Said an Adult Can No Longer Be a Magical Girl?!

Oct 01, 2021

Finally starting this!

Good job making her workday seem miserable, she looks so bored xD I wonder how do you "eat syrup in reverse", great choice of words haha.

I have my own surname misprinted all the time I know how you feel Karen- I mean Karin.

I, however, don't understand where the complaint is coming from. What, because she made the customers wait in line? That wasn't her fault, nor a "behavior" issue. Or was it because she said her name was misprinted? That would make no sense for a complaint from a customer, hey manager I'm offended your cashier told me her name is misprinted. Like, I don't understand.

Oh no, speed dating, that would give me so much anxiety. I feel it for poor Mr. Stand-Up Comic, he's just doing what he's being paid to do. Like you, Karin, jeeze, you're really dragging him down. Poor man. Also, considering everyone around you a "loser" is not a great start to a blind date, just saying.

"Unfortunately Karin's match didn't appear to be at this event." Not surprised with that attitude lol. (Karin lied like a liar must be my favorite sentence here btw)

Oh no Calice don't do this to me. You're a 1 in my compatibility list right now.

This feels so very japanese with the "protection fee" lmao like a real anime. It looks like a superhero movie as well, nice mix. I'm curious about the black spots near her eyes but I guess I'll know more about that later.

I know her super strenght is probably more related to magic than anything else, but I can't help but imagine her incredibly buff, and that's hilarious lmao.

Onwards to the next one!

Otomaho: Who Said an Adult Can No Longer Be a Magical Girl?!