In a world where mirrors served as gateways to hidden realms, sixteen-year-old Angelo yearned for something beyond his mundane existence. Plagued by doubts and longing for adventure, he stood before his bathroom mirror, searching for the beauty his lola once claimed resided within him. But on...
This was… so trippy… Like… Hmmm… How should I explain this? I found myself inside the novel, where the main protagonist was also inside his own novel. Did that even make sense? After reading The Novel's Extra by Jee Gab Song so many times I lost count—novel, manhwa adaptation, and back again—I...
In the year 1121, during the Dark Ages, mutants were not just myths or stories; they were as real as the plague. But the protagonist of this story didn’t know that… Learned his powers when he was 10 years old. Dubbed a genius by 12 years old. Dropped out of high school by 14 years old. Parents...