

registered at: Jul 31, 2022
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    Sep 15, 2022

    Finally found time for this (more the replying than the reading). It is certainly a bizzare but somehow coherent narrative. The first six chapters were definitely stronger - they felt like reading SCPs or 4-komas, very self-contained and leaving a new incomplete intrigue to ponder about.
    This strength comes in the style and world building, allowing us to completely accept nonsense as okay (who cares about suspension of disbelief) while giving airy tidbits about Edwards Institute, seemingly telling us so much and nothing at all.

    Now, the last two chapters were obviously rushed. Forcing an antagonist and breezing through battles, all in all trying to quickly wrap it all up lead to clear strains against the earlier slower and more thoughtful narrative. It didn't help a lot of characters and concepts were shoved in last minute, like operators or Catherine. Why does it lack that punch for a final confrontation? There is no stakes. Besides Ko, we spent cursory time with a lot of characters to really build a rapport, with Yin/Yang, Five and Ko being the most standout. Even Somnia, brief as they were, had more presence and characterisation than say, John or Hiroshi.

    This brings me to my more general criticism. There's way too many characters to digest at once, and it would have been better to bringing up some until a few are developed. It is really hard to keep track of who's who after a while. My memory is bad, sorry!

    Transitions are a bit clunky here and there too, but overall would like to read more of this! Seeing how everyone loves Circular (and you complaining about never continuing it), I will give it a look-see one day too (and give a comment eons after the work is done in the dust). Otherwise, thanks for writing this absurd joyride and hope to see more!

    TBOM Compressed 2
    This Boredom of Mine