Aris von Frez, the last heir of the prestigious Custodian family and a member of the mysterious Order of the Black Lily, embarks on a dangerous mission within the enigmatic realm known as the Custodian Breach. With deep ties to this world, Aris is burdened by his family's legacy and the responsib...
Bria Laurel, a talented 16-year-old spy sniper from Norway, and Ryota Suzuki, a master of espionage and heir to the Castle Dawn Company. As their lives turn upside down, when Ryota out of nowhere proposes to Bria. “Marry Me” "Huh!"
Yuuki Yato, the second heir of the prestigious Yato school of swordsmanship, discovers that he is to enter into an arranged marriage with Aya, the first heir of the influential Masuri family. Though initially conflicted, Yuuki embraces his family's decision and discovers his pervious chance encou...