Shiwatani Ishigari

Shiwatani Ishigari

For as long as I can remember, writing has always been my first love. All the while carrying on an ongoing love affair with reading, drawing, and ‘digitalia’ on the side. And what better way to have these beautiful obsessions converge, than in the prolific and vibrant world of nerd culture.

Geek chic is my color, and I bleed nerd blood. Compounded only by contracting technophilia, on top of already being a cinephile -- and all before the prevalence of binge-watching brought on by the meteoric rise of today’s streaming services -- as well as a bibliophile, who’s read Western classics in graphic novel form!

It’s when I don my nerd cape, and immerse myself in this world of geek, that I find a degree of comfort such as you’d get from a decadent chocolate bar, or a toasty fleece blanket on a wintery night.

Because I don’t just consume subculture...I devour it.

And it is where I have always found my Happy Place.

registered at: Jul 17, 2023
Time(Daily access) Level 1