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Aug 15, 2021
lmao oue..... this dude is wilding with his horny energy for endo and his bribes
AWWWW, these dummies, that was really cute. tama is a solid one
Aug 08, 2021
alright but jojo is a good kid they would be so lucky to have such a loyal friend even if he is a dumbass
THE PLOT THICKENS!!! jojo ur new friend may in fact beat up your old friend hope you're readyyy
I 100% thought Tama was going to lick his eye with his scar gkvkfllfmf
also I am laughing... jojo put his ho before his bro.... and got a new bro... 😂 bro
oh nooooo jojo :( romeo :(((( bro... why you gotta be like that bro.....
(also hi I'm slowly catching up and having a great time)
aw nana is such a good friend, and YURI!!! I cant wait to see if she realizes or what
endo: 2 dudes, sitting in hospital beds 5 feet apart because they're not gay oue: .....YET this is so funny tho omg
Jul 28, 2021
lol meru and jojo are so funny what a wild pair of bros. also poor romeo rly trying to live but no. no living just fighting.
thanks for writing!!!
Jul 17, 2021
meru and jojo are true bros, romeo you dont need a girl kiss your bros i do love the "used to be leader of the anime club but went hard" backstory and meru is SUCH a weirdo they really are unique
tfw u try to do a good but u heck up on not only "don't beat up your crush's brother" but also "get out of the gang" plans all at once
also ngl boss amon... is cool
Jul 11, 2021
LOL FIANCE WITH THIS CLOWN..... poor yuri. i didn't see that coming nor the concussion slapping out endo's memories ahahahaha. it's a fun twist and im excited to see where you take it from here!
ohoho so THAT'S why it's romeo! poor kiddo 😂 this is really fun so far i can't wait to dive into chapter 2