In the quest to conquer Mount Blanc, a seasoned mountaineer faces a life-or-death situation when a fall threatens their very existence. Their partner selflessly comes to the rescue, resulting in a harrowing rescue mission and a deepened bond between them. As the protagonist awakens in an unfamili...
In the year 2030, humans became victim to a war started by the inhuman creatures called the 'Mansters'. Humanity was slaughtered and forced to live in massive underground vaults for survival. After 3 years, a new threat capable of destroying the world peace arrives yet again. This time around, Ea...
In the year 2097, humanity was able to create a perfect medium and transcended themselves to otherworldly beings. This ended up backfiring and trapping them as slaves to the 'System'. Everyone abided by the rules of the system and some started taking advantage of new rules. In the present, ba...
"This world is colorful as long as there is someone waiting for you." Due to anger and frustration Roy Wings runs away from his family only to realize they are nowhere to be found upon his return. He hopes to find them one day even when the answers are right in front of him. He lives in his du...