Chapter 1:

Chapter 1

The Sleeping Dragon

My name is jake burns, im currently 26, unemployed, working for my parents small convenience store, and here is the story of my life.

stuck again at the house while submitting resumes online and to some companies at ozamiz to no avail. Whenever i had a text or an interview, i was denied to go to cebu since it was only 1 interview and no more, which made me give up in the end everytime i tried to ask my parents for me to go. Until one day, i was finally accepted in a local news station where my job is just to edit videos before they are streamed. It was an alright job and i had some challenges in it and the other employees were kind enough to teach me the ropes and hang out with me, but the boss just most of the time make some unreasonable demands. Like when i was still editing videos, he wanted the video very soon and asked if the video is now ready, i just said simply of the situation though he really wanted it done faster. Instead, i just always say the whole situation to shut his unreasonable demands every time he repeats it, since we were always using old hardware such as only having intel core2, 2-4Gb ram, and 500Gb rom. I knew my stuff which was why i always manage to stop him, though he always manage good somehow. He even invited back the original member of the station where she is a professional and have changed the stations procedures so to deliver fresh news just like a true news station, since news were only aired once a week before she arrived. I also had a good time with the job though one day, the boss just had to bully one girl member which i then found myself pissed since she might had done nothing wrong. Since the boss only does little or no work, and only does editing for his corner of his own show along with the station having his face all over, my image of him just only went downward and i just see him in a low perspective than before. Then after just a short while, me and that girl was called by him only to have us fired, and we agreed rather than have him always boss us around. Gladly, there wasnt a contract and everytime he tells me to quickly finish the editting and i always tell him to upgrade the systems if he wants to quicker, so my job there only lasted a few months.

After maybe 1 year of waiting, i almost gave up and accepted my fate to be just in the house and store, my prison. But then my parents found me an opportunity where a job fair was going on, i then prepared my resume and everything else and gone to the job fair, had an interview and was then accepted on the spot. With this, it seriously made me very happy and immediately made my preparations to depart, since its also a chance for me to be able to learn and further develop myself even more than what little my prison could ever offer. I then depart ozamiz with my new friends who were people who were also accepted, to cebu, to my first official job in 2015 as a call center agent. In cebu, i also had a good stay at a boarding house where we had some good times and bad times, though they just didnt bother to make bad ones with me. And after some time, we had to move due to some complications of the pricing of items and services within the house and into an apartment where most of us were still together.

During this time in cebu in my first official job, i was then assigned to the biggest account where many would have a hard time getting into, and was taught of the product. It was only later that i found out about the account, that its a very prestigious account even though it still has very few agents present cause of recent resignations. I had a bit of trouble adjusting to night shift while learning the product but i eventually got the gist of it. We were then assigned first to chat support so that we can get used to the job which included 2 others who were my batch. We had learned everything that we could while relying on other tenureds who were already busy enough, but due to my resourcefulness, i quickly learned and eventually decreased the amount of help from the tenured agents. As the system was still in its old protocols, it was a bit easy to cheat as we were also taught the shortcuts in the system and protocols. Though i learned such cheats, i rarely used them, only in order to tidy up my work space in the system which all had overdue cases that already needs to be closed. I was also very hesitant in closing cases since customers would mostly give crappy remarks for my service, which was why i sometimes use cheats, unlike some who uses it on a regular basis. Though as time passes, the system and protocols quickly upgraded which makes cheating less likely yo be used as well as making work more efficient, but it still wont stop some on using cheats while i wont use it only unless if necessary which is for tidying up my work space. And over a short time, i was one of the agents with the most number of cases solved with speed, since i was only assigned to the chats team after failing the mock call test after my 6 months probation. It was also somewhere around this time that my grandma died, which i was a bit glad so that my parents can finally save money, and since i had only one good memory with my prideful grandma which was on how she taught me to finish my plate and leave nothing. With that teaching, i was taught to appreciate hard work and the graces that we always have, though not with the fact that i didnt cry during her burial and just kept quiet. She was so prideful that i once almost shouted at her with some logic against her prideful remark, respecting how old she really was back then. And at work, it only took me little time to adapt to my new environment which later even didnt need for me to wear a jacket.

A lot has happened in my job within the year where i just cant say, because of the contract for disclosure that i had signed, and cause i just forgot about all the details in any case i had solved. Also, after 6 months, we also moved to another place which was an apartment that we occupied all 3 rooms at the top floor. Back then, i also eventually reduced myself to an acceptable body figure. At first i approached some people just to befriend them since i have a face that tells "dont mess with me" ever since college and maybe high school, and eventually made friends with most of the account. I also had a very good time within that one year such as participating on a group dance, going on a team building and a retreat with most of the account, holloween event wearing personally made grim reaper, birthdays at the house of some teammates, first time dancing in a club which i suck, and travelling to a badminton court on a weekend which i was personally taught how to properly serve, and coming to a big field just to practice dancing for the presentation. All of my memories there are all irreplacable and which i sincerely appreciate ag the bottom of my heart, which made my comeback to ozamiz increadibly regrettable and very frustrating after a very wierd and unfortunate event. About 6 or 7 months before my birthday on august, as the account was expanding at a very fast pace, the group leader had me assigned to the emails team which they plan to establish. Before, emails were evenly distributed among all the agents, but they just had to make a team for emails just to accomodate the increasing volume of emails. The chat leader asked me if i wanted to transfer to emails so i agreed to try, which proved colossally challenging due to the night shift schedule and the sheer volume me and my team had to take care everyday. It was also maybe after 6 or 7 months, back when i just became a regular, that i decided to live alone which i found a boarding house near my work place. Of course the idea was suggested by my parents and i thought that it was already time for it which was why i agreed to live alone while they transferred to the next building from the apartment where they found many rooms for themselves.

During the 1st month on the new team, i just managed to survived thanks to purposely making myself angry at the customers everytime they wont reply or they just wont understand. As that didnt last long, i then resorted to drinking lots of coffee and lots of energy drinks just to wake myself up. Since the secret to me being able to keep up on my night shift when i was still on chats was adrenaline, the rush of solving problems while doing multitasking and doing everything in my power for work, specially being thanked by the customers for a great job where they give me a good score for my bonus and for my professional development. Back then, i was seriously fast in solving problems and often revise my notes to better accomodate customer needs, though i also asked for help sometimes for problems which i have a hard time dealing with. Anyways, i drank about 2 or 3 cups after every 3 meals or an energy drink along with coffee just to keep me awake at night since my shift back then is at 10pm until early morning which was very hard. Until one day within the 2nd month, i didnt quite have enough sleep back then since i drank coffee maybe after shift, and i almost really snapped as i heard a snap inside my brain after hearing some leads mention my name and mocking me and calling me gay. Gladly, i was able to hold my own rage and i told the chat lead which was on duty that time of the situation and he confirmed it saying that they werent saying anything about me. I was very shocked by then which made me think what might be wrong with me so after that day, i then decided to minimize my own coffee intake to just once per meal and made a healthy lifestyle by now eating many vegetables instead of fastfood. I even reserached about how to deal with stress and anger, which the best solution was meditation, while still doing what i usually do at my room like watching anime, washing the dishes, and many more. It was also within that month maybe that i asked the chat lead if i can go back to chats and he said he will try, since my 3 months are not up and will try to ask permission to the boss if i could go back, also explaining to me that there is no going back normally which i wasnt told about.

It was maybe on the 3rd month that i was also invited by the chat lead to my first ever summer getaway to an island named calangaman. Then on a saturday right after our shift, we travelled a long way by bus towards malapasqua which i wasnt able to sleep on the bus unlike the others. With me were the chat lead and his boyfriend, a tenured girl with her boyfriend, a newbie with her boyfriend, a gay, and another girl which already has a child which she didnt bring along. After a few hours, we arrived at the place where we will stay for the night. One of the girls then suddenly asked a local if there was a "mangkukulam" around when i was stepping on a small mount outside the entrance to the small motel, which i forgot what the locals response was, but was immediately asked to go on an errand to buy ice by one of them. They were then preparing to settle into all 3 rooms, dividing oursleves into 3 groups for the only rooms on the motel, and we ate meat and many other chichirias at night. Before we ate, i called my parents as part of our deal, for me to be accepted to work in cebu i must call my parents every night before work for a status update. I only told them of my whereabouts exactly on the day as always, before any event i would go into, since i know and got used to their response either to be careful or to deny me of the experience. So when i reasingly went to the bed with arms wide open, which i would have only planned to sleep on the side, i immediately slept due to stress in my head due to no sleep after shift. We planned the whole trip only for one night, which we then gone to 2 small motor boats straight to calangaman island without saying anything at the boats. We all woke up later in the morning since there were others that planned to dance at the local party at that night while others plan to stay awake for something else, and i woke up that morning feeling like a thousand volts, excited for the whole trip. We then had some fun on the island playing on the water and taking so many pictures, and brought an end to one of my smart phones due to the heat, and finally gone back via bus by mid afternoon which we all arrived at night.

But some time after the trip, i then suddenly heard voices inside my head while at work, saying that the boss hates me. At first i didnt believe it and just ignored it while it continuously annoyed me at work, but that wont hinder my own work as a professional though since i still work as fast as i could with emails and loads of them. But the voices were still always bothering me saying that the boss hates me, and later evolving to some more nonesense which always try to hinder me at work. Though as i definitely heard voices, i couldnt just respond openly and out loud which was why i responded with my mind, which also made it hard for others to know what might be wrong. But finally after some time, as the voices has now spoken about hurting my family that i gave in, pleading to leave us alone and i only want to work hard. I analyzed why might this be and i just couldnt reach to a conclusion since i was now eating healthily, had proper sleep every after shift, and only had coffee about 2 coffees every after my 3 meals never to drink it after shift. Soon, the voices told me that the top honcho of the compay of the product plans to transfer me to pay for all the emails and other cases i had damaged and make me work until i die, if it means also dragging my whole family with me. During this time, i had almost forgiven my parents for always making me feel lonely, which was also why i gave in to the voices since my parents had always provided me with everything i need and not all that i want. Everyday i would hear different versions of what they will do to me slowly in increasing magnitude, until i finally went to pray every after shift at the prayer room where i always cry as i pray to God for help only when there is no one else at the prayer room. I kneeled as i prayed, i cried and i prayed, and i prayed for only God knows how long as i could hear his voice on my head saying that everything will be alright and that he will help as he can. Everyday i was also being held like a fool as i would be asked to show off what i could do, but as i still had a very strong logical mind which is why i could respond to the voices with logic, i would always show off at places where there was no one around. Since the voices now point to americans, i also analyzed that they might have used the latest military technology to relay signals from satellites into ground towers where it will emit sound waves which is below the normal hearing range that can still be picked up by the brain as signals, like how bats communicate.

In light of what i could hear, i could even hear voices in my head of what others would think as they either look at me or deal with other people, which made all my movements very limited to work and to my boarding house all due to fear. Though by the 3rd month, the chat leader pursuaded the boss for me to transfer back to the chat team on his next visit which he agreed, saying that he would trust me with this or forgive me and to not make the same mistakes ever again, like i did something wrong in the first place which i didnt know what. I could only think of some of my old cases back then which i cheated since the leads would always notify me to always clean up my work space and follow up on customers, though all the cases that i have cheated were all old cases which were all unresponsive after a very long period of time, which i also know of a person who might have done me wrong by changing something and that he has something or some information that i dont have which he might have used to place those other cases under my name. Though i cant be certain if it was him or only him, he was also a friend who i always hang out with at his house sometimes and has given me some important things, so i just couldnt blame him. Besides, i also dont have any evidence to support all my theories. With the boss approval, i was able to transfer back to the chats team where i was also instructed by the chat leader to clean up my work space to the acceptable margin, even if it would mean minus points for me and my bonus. I liked chats better than emails that time since it was very easy to take care unlike all those emails, and the protocols back then were still a bit crappy leaving much disatisfaction to both agent and customer, though now leaving only little room for cheating which i totally had no say and just accepted it. Even if i managed to come back to the chat team, it doesnt change the fact that i could still hear voices in my head. Due to the recent events, i even said one time to my seatmate that i could hear some of them talk about me at a distance when they were gathered as far as they could under the borders of the account, saying "whatever will come at me, i will just deal with it only when it happens". By this time, since the voices were all saying logical and realistic things that i even attampted to do suicide, but to no avail again due to the lack of resolve and maybe a feeling deep inside that there is something more to this than meets the eye.

It was also maybe before i was transferred to the chat team that i also asked some agents in the account if i was ever hated by my boss and they denied it. After some time, some other visitors from the company which is from the service or product came, which might have recognized my accomplishments and gave me 2 computer screens to better navigate and to further develop my fast multitasking skills. Anyways, the voices were still on my head until it was my birthday where my parents came to visit me. Before that day, i packed as much clothes as i could on my backpack even though i only had an overnight stay at a hotel along with my parents and sister, which my parents arrived on the day before or at my birthday. But during the party at an all you can eat buffet, my parents and my family started to notice my abnormal behavior as i had gone to the CR 3 times now looking angry or something, though they had nothing else to say as i told them i was fine. After the party, i left alone via taxi and stopped at a road about 30 minutes walk from my boarding house, to stop and listen to instructions on the voices in my head which was toying with me to either go left or right. After a few minutes of deliberation, i then went back to the boarding house where my father was waiting for me all worried and drenched in rain, which surprised me though i was told that they called me many times only to check that my phone was on silent mode. Due to that, my father then asked me to be absent at work for the whole week which he checked my brain and my blood for anything to no avail. Within that week, as i now had a proper sleep at night, i did have some headaches everyday within that week which my mind feels increadibly heavy as well. Aside from my mind being very heavy and the headaches, i also felt some nerves on my head like they were moving, which i resisted all of the pain with a straight face so to not let my father worry even more. But as there were no findings whatsoever, my father decided for me to come back home to recuperate and to monitor, and bought tickets to a boat ride back home by the weekend. Though i was a bit in the influence of whats happening to me, i still stayed calm and the same as i also try to think what is really happening, since my logical mind wouldnt just be swayed by some nonesense.

Before i went back home, since the voices would also tell me stuff that were very realistic like they would preserve my brain for generations as it is special, i also had some sudden visions maybe of imagination making me see imaginary stuff and an imaginary future where it envisioned something like gods and goddesses, ghosts, grim reaper, and many other imaginary things.

On the next day, i then went home with my father so that i could recuperate, though i would still have the same thing happen to me all over again which are the voices in my head and the illusions. Everyday, i would listen to the voices and respond to them in my head while i work in my familys sari sari store while remaining true to my work as a professional and not letting it bother me. Though there were times that i could hear students talking bad about me as rumors, after some time had already past, which the rumors came from cebu. And within that time period, i would still hear voices and see illusions of gods and heroes trying to help me recuperate by teaching me and helping me design stuff that may be the future. As i might already have the knowledge on some subjects, what they just did was remind me and teach me little like practicing taichi by just understanding the concept of both taichi and fengshui, practice with the fundamental knowledge i learned from karate classes and from movies, and making unique innovations which might not yet be available in the present. Such as Confucius giving me tips on fengshui and taichi and Nicola Tesla giving me tips on some innovations, where the rest was now up to me to finish. There was even one night when all the gods and heroes goes surfing into my imagination which was now like another universe of color and wonder where they danced in a party, took a peek at all my knowledge including my knowledge about the darkness and many more, which was also a good time though it made me very tired. It was also said that I even house a part of many heroes which I usually see when I close my eyes, but I later couldn’t see them anymore later in life, which the main soul inside me was a hero called Gilgamesh. As the days go by as it was like the illusions were all acting all in accordance to a story, i suddenly heard word that someone has targeted my sister, who was still studying in cebu in a second course. With that said, as something really happened to my sister, that was when i became very angry that i began my investigation on what really is happening to me. What i was able to find out from my investigation was that there was nothing that could have triggered all the voices in my head, but like a guiding voice, a voice told me a hint which was hypnotism.

After i was informed of the hint while i was making a report of the summary of what happened to me, something in my head began to move, like some kind of stroke on the head where no one was really touching or doing something on my head. With that, it all became clear on the prime suspects on my own case. And in those illusions, athena told me that the weighing scales of humanity is now tipping towards evil, as this weighing scale would also affect the balance of other things such as everuthing in nature. I closed my eyes back then and saw the scales of humanity tipping greatly towards evil, for a reason which i couldnt understand fully aside from human sin getting more powerful. And i realized that man is all presented with 2 major choices, whether destruction or creation which are all limited by fear. Destruction of nature and of the natural law, or creation of a bright future towards mans last frontier. Since technology is almost or near its limit due to its very fast progress and due to the peaceful times in this time, its only a matter of time before we might make something stupid that might destroy.

Of course, i told my parents of my findings but as there is no any evidence to support my theory and they didnt quite believe, we decided not to do anything else. My findings were that people from the call center did something to my mind either to get information or something, which was either good or bad, and maybe put some nonesense into my head making me go in circles or making me go crazy. I analyzed that there was never a chance for anyone else to do something to me aside from my first time in cebu in the boarding house or in the apartment, when i had gone to a birthday party which i slept at that agents big house on the sofa, and during my summer getaway at malapasqua, or maybe my room when i lived alone which i always made sure to lock before i sleep. And judging by the following findings and past data, there was no other way to do this to me, only on that summer getaway. I then tried to gather as much evidence as possible as what memory serves while quietly resisting the voices in my head using all the logic i know, while also meditation in order to undo the mind control or hypnotism being done to me, and praying for God to help me undo the damage done to myself. It was also by this time that my parents agreed to take me to a psychiatrist to check on me which he later found my condition to be a mental condition called slight schizophremia, which was then used to write a resignation letter for the company along with an attached doctors note. And as much as the chat leader asked me to go back to the company just so that i could have a COE, which was a sound choice at the moment, my parents would never let me go back to the company ever again.

During the rest of my time, i would just follow the story being foretold into my head and only act like an idiot inside my room, enacting situations like with ghandi, omnyouji, and many more events that makes me feel like an idiot and be laughed like an idiot if others would be able to see. Its also during this time that the story told that there was a secret network which always tell rumors such as in certain areas via text which tells the public of what i always do, as well as undoing the hypnotism being done to me. It was also when i used meditation to calm my mind, recite certain keywords to unlock certain commands and undo some stories, and maybe even reaching to a point of nirvana to undo and unlock everything that was drilled to my mind. As i did all these things, at the same time, i feel many strokes in my head following a pattern of random strokes like some sort of ritual and some very small needle like pokes on the skin specially more on the top of my head. With this, i wrote in my reports which i sent some updates to the leads along with all the secrets and rumors i heard within the account, since i didnt just befriend them knowing that some might betray me in some way. Like the art of war from sun tzu, "know your enemies and know yourself, and in a thousand battles you will never be in peril". Though as i wrote all my findings in my report, i would also think that something might happen to me and my family with me always sending this which was also why i sent copies to the emails of my father, sister, and 3 high school friends. If they do something to me, my parents would notice and do something about it. If they would do something to me and my parents and sister, my family would know as those who are closest were notified of what happened. If they do something to me and my family, i know that the government wont just stand by in this event. If they do something to my highschool friends, they could trace the crime straight to me as me, my family and all my highschool friends arent involved in any crimes whatsoever which will make it very suspicious. So if they make a move whatsoever, they will be caught in an endless cycle of karma, except if i attempt suicide. All these are truly what i thought of and whoever is involved with this will truly face justice and karma, as i can only rely on the ripple effect. And i was also able to adapt to everything since im used to having a chaotic mind which sometimes overthinks as i could also see and imagine many possibilities.

I also sent the leads a copy of my report so that one of the ones at the top inside the call center would take notice of the event, since i also know that they also get a copy of any email that is sent in any company email, and since i already tested it out by emailing an agent who asked to borrow P500 from me being written with anger. And since i also know my enemy which would mean that i can take care of delivering judgement by sending all my information in exchange for my own freedom, which karma shall befall unto those responsible. Cause if the enemy was much bigger, they wouldnt even bother doing something like this, instead they will take what they want after asking maybe and make it work for them and for the benefit of the company. Also, the future possibility of me being taken away would be even much more than any average event. Ever since i discovered such a big cause for the unfortunate event, no matter if it was for any good or something bad, i wont tolerate anyone who touches me without my permission or knowledge. It was seriously very hard staying calm at the store while having those annoying voices inside my head, as well as making the report while attending to the store, all at the same time. I also remembered that the chat leader was suspiciously nervous on 2 occasions: on the first time I visited his house, and by the time the boss made the decision to trust me back to the chat team which all of them were just small factors to the case. And noting that the refund system was a bit slow which is also part of why im always hesitant to close the case, aside from being a professional at customer service which is to help customers thoroughly until the support they need is met which most customers don’t really bother with their cases due to their busy schedules or laziness. Though i did forget to include one more of their rumors about the vice president having an affair with their gardener or driver, but oh well. Though because of all this, my ability to calculate simple math in my head has been greatly affected, which led to me relying on the calculator every time, since I could always calculate simple math inside my head while serving customers and give them the exact change to each respective customer.

As i disabled the hypnotism from my head, slowly and surely, i then felt lighter and lighter like water being able to sip out of a container through a hole. With each session, it would feel like layers of strokes filling my head being slowly undone and peeled off, clearing my mind further of any other nonesense they might have put into my head. And by then, i had figured out a theory about self disabling hypnotism, which are: a soul without yet any grave sin commited, self consciousness of being hypnotized, purity of heart and mind, and knowledge about hypnotism. Also, after i might have wrote the last few entries to my report, i suddenly felt all the acupuncture being done around my own body being undone which included on the eyes, on the heart and on the balls. I had deduced that what was used were acupunture needles since i felt the pokes around my body to be even smaller than a needle, though i had also though of the girls on the apartment in the past that they also had needles it was all larger, and i could also still remember the feeling of an injection on my skin. I had also deduced that acupunture alone wouldnt do something like what i had experienced, there would also be incense or drugs used, though i remembered that regular incense wouldnt have this kind of effect on me since i already experienced smelling incense so it might have been marijuana. After a few days, i was able to disable maybe all of the strokes around my head, now the only problem is the number of pokes at the crown of my head that i could still feel as well as some involuntary movememt of muscles like making you feel like someone touched your arm, touching your butt, massaging the head, making me drink something, and so on. It was also by this time and beyond that I wasn’t able to go back to the astral plane, since I had decided to live out my life in here believing and seeing the potential of man, and maybe in the possibility of a possible destruction that I might be here to protect my family. I also believe that my visit there was just a limited time ticket that maybe they are expecting something. And also ever since that night of the fight to help with the gods, I might also have let them feel my deep respect and like for anime and everything that I have learned in my life that they might also believe in mans potential, to prevent any evolution that may lead to destruction. In any case, I wont believe on what might have happened that time as it its clear that I would just let man decide for themselves on what course to take and I would just see for myself what will happen rather than be too presumptuous, but first I must cure myself even if it might take a very long time.

True i also felt those many acupuncture pokes all over my body, but it was only once, unlike at the top of my head which was basically tortured with many needles poked in and out multiple times where commands and stories are all being repeated so many times that even i couldnt maybe count plus loop commands. The only thing that i could ever do is to get fat in order to give my brain and body the nutrients it needs to further fight off the rest of the hypnotism, meditate so to undo all the hypnotism that is still bothering me until today, and to let go of everything instead of resisting everything. I didnt realize all this before but by instinct, my mind acted on its own while automatically disabling my hypnotism, and while i just acted out everything that was being inputted into my brain to let everything go. Just like the saying, "a river cant be stopped or resisted, the only thing you can do is just to swim in it or move or turn along the way". And ever since in high school, ever since i was introduced to anime, i would sometimes get glimpses of imagination as i space out unlike now which i cant control its frequency thanks to what was done to me.

Anyways, i did all this now for about a year now, except sending my reports since i already finished writing it. Within this year, i then told my doctor about the acupuncture pokes that i felt around my body but forgot to mention about the strokes on my mind, and the doctor totally dont know what to say about it except that i had some kind of mental condition. Since i also believe on the term body memory, this is what i believe what is happening to me, and can undo hypnotism thanks to this. And within this year, the voices returned which later made me realize that the military might also be on this, which was why i got so annoyed at what had happened to me. As the voices still wont stop, i just basically wrote everything that might happen in reality based on science and ignored everything else with logic, which i then sent a copy to my father and sister. I even made a novel around this time which both have real and fiction elements in it. Though i could still feel a bit of those acupuncture pokes on my skin and some involuntary movements, the voices and the illusions in my head would most of the time try to confuse me in many ways than one, trying to make me believe in anything and trying to make me like a crazy person. I also kept stating my strong desire to never be a part of the military where i value only my life, those who i value, and to those who value me above all others, and that i would want to be an innovator and protector instead of a soldier until the voices and illusions faded once more. It was also during this time that i thought and really appreciated what my parents had done for me over the years, though not excusing why i had to be protected also against other chinese or my high school friends which made no sense. But i also did a test on one of them by telling her that i had a mental illness and to never tell anyone. The next time i saw a picture with their get together here in panaon, i knew by then that she might have told or adviced them to neglect me. The same might go for the other 3 friends whom i sent my investigative report, that they might have also told them or not. It was also by this time that i decided to live out my life, since i just dont have the resolve to do it even though im kind of still depressed about my situation, and since i already got about everything that i needed in life. Whats left is now just to find someone who will care for me as i am and to teach wisdom to others.

For belief is artificial and the truth is key to better understanding, knowledge and wisdom. And i think its important for the people to still be informed about witch doctors (mangkukulam or any other names for them), since ignorance is bliss after all and it will hurt for future generations to come, rather than them to pass on such black art in the shadows when the people would still depend on them even if there are already professionals who knows much better than them. And as earlier mentioned, i wont be making any lawful cases about my case since i basically have no evidence, since what really happened to me was seriously weird which is part of why i want to tell my story. I only submitted this now in anticipation, preparation and to observe of what might come to me, since i believe that most chinese and others dont want any trouble or cause it as it is our discipline, and to inform others than to wait more for an event to befall upon me or my family.

In this year as well, we also tried to reach out a local official catholic exorcist where it was decided to also have me exorcised but all I could ever feel are just goosebumps, and nothing else. And ever since then, we always had prayers every night and also reading some pages in an exorcism booklet. Then it was also on the second year of all these events that I have concluded, that all this couldn’t have just been done by witchcraft, science also plays a part on this. By emitting low frequency waves towards the ears, the brain then translates those low frequency pulses, thus making hypnotic commands towards the brain. That is now part of my theory on how I was hypnotized, since there is just no way that hypnosis could last for 2 years straight, unless if there is another outside stimulus.

Until now, the voices, illusions inside my head and involuntary movements would come a little bit from time to time whispering to me like the devil or making me believe in ghosts, maybe wanting for me to make more innovations when there are no more other unique innovations that i could think of thats not yet present and doable in this time. Its also this time that i posted my designs, theories, and wisdom online so that who ever ignorant soul would ever make them to do harm shall be laughed at in the face of wisdom. The voices or illusions would until now try to convince me to not always watch anime but i always had the logic "if i decide to abandone such a fine achievement, do you have anything else thats even more worthwhile considering my current condition and everything that i gained in life thanks to anime, movies, and interesting documentaries?", which their selfish desire will never convince me. It also almost always try to convince me to be a gay, which I solely choose to be a man even if I might have the capability to be another, and which also applies with any other thing in life because of my situation and family finances. And note that everything was handled silently except for the parts informing persons concerned. It was also by this time that i told my parents all about my childhood in which their excuse is still all just to protect me and my sister. Also telling me that the 2 stories that i remembered were false, which might be that they dont remember or it really was false, that there was no case of such thing in the past. What ever the case, i will take note of those stories as it has some truth in it. I tell you, they are good parents but only with a strong protective nature, which makes it hard to blame them for everything, not after what might have happened to me. It was also in this time that i would now agree that it might be a mental cause, but it doesnt excuse my findings however weird the cause of my situation may be. And as an analyst, i also wont ignore any other possibilities which might be why im now here in the first place, a bit lonely and still looking for an opportunity.

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