Chapter 3:

Trash-Chan is Impatient!!

The Totally Terrific Trash-Chan!!

As Trash-Chan was flung through the wall of the maid cafe, time seemed to slow to a crawl. She couldn't help but reflect and think about her life. How had she gotten here? She tried to recall the previous events, but all that she could find was the phrase "Read the previous two chapters to figure out how she's flying through a wall of a maid cafe".

"Huh. That's a little on the nose," she thought.

She tried thinking some more though. She knew how she got to this part specifically in her life, but how did she become a trash can dwelling gremlin? As far as she knew, it was almost as if her entire life began on Dec 12th, 2016. She had memories before that time though, she was sure of it.

Her thoughts ran back to the years she lived with her mother, in her larger and more luxurious dumpster. The dumpster maybe wasn't as mobile as Trash-Chan's motorized and wheeled can, but it was far roomier and her mother's wealth meant it was fully furnished on the inside. Trash-Chan always wondered as a child though, why she and her mother lived in a dumpster and not a proper house like all her school friends? The answer was pretty simple.

"It's far cheaper to own a dumpster than it is to own a house, my silly little pumpkin! I would have to spend lord knows how many thousands to keep a house for us both, but with a dumpster like this? I save so much money! It's how we stay in the top 1% of the country's wealth, sweetie!" Her mother began to bellow a laugh, almost like a conniving anime girl from the 90s. You know what I mean, the "OHOHOHOHOHOHO" Kind of laugh. Yeah, that.

She assured Trash-Chan though that their dumpster was abnormal, but that was by design. They had most of the fixtures you'd need in a normal home to survive. Several hot plates for cooking dinner, a nice sizable corner for all the clothes to go into, a clothes line outside that the neighbors had they could use to hang their clothes to dry after washing, A hole leading to a power outlet inside the neighbor's house to give them power, free wi-fi from the neighbors, and even their neighbor's bathroom! Though after the third time Trash-chan ever took a proper bath in a tub, her mother told her they weren't allowed to use the tub anymore. That was okay though, there was always the rain.... some days.

Somehow though, despite how wonderful the dumpster was, Trash-Chan wanted to see the world after school was over. As nice as it was watching anime and reading manga with her mother in the large and spacious home, Trash-Chan knew there was more out there. She had goals.

The first one was to make some friends, something that for some reason was very difficult for her to obtain in school. She also wanted to be able to try a proper restaurant's food (for some reason her and her mother were never allowed in them, though her mother suggested it was purely jealousy of their wealth), and she wanted to have her own space where she was free to store figures and posters. Her mother encouraged those things at the house, but the posters ended up being used as napkins and the figures as utensils for some food when the silverware wasn't clean (which was most of the time). She also just felt cooped up in the dumpster all day, and wanted the freedom to get out and explore!

So, after months of dropping subtle hints to her mother, her mother finally granted her wishes. With a heavy heart and heavy tears, Trash-Chan was introduced to her trash can. Her mother had gotten an engineer to put a motor with wheels at the base, making it almost like a little scooter. But it wasn't a scooter, it was, in fact, Trash-Chan's new mobile home.

With some tearful goodbyes and hugs, Trash-Chan was on her way to a life of success! Well, sort of. Most of the time after leaving home was spent at the Slurp N'Gulp alley , playing video games on handheld consoles and watching anime on a laptop she acquired. Oh, also mooching off Saori too, but as to how that started, that's a story for another day.

Speaking of another day, Trash-Chan couldn't help but realize that she had been flying through a wall at breakneck speeds for 7 months and 19 days. Why was this taking so long!? She was flung so fast!

Time didn't really get faster though. She still was flying slowly through the wall. She at least was outside the building now, but she couldn't have been more than a foot away from the cafe. Given how hard she was thrown, she was pretty sure the end of the trip would be at the border of Sounai City.

"Can we hurry this up, please?! I've been here forever. And I'm getting hungry!"

This wasn't true though. While time had been diluted to feel like it'd taken over seven months, not even a few seconds had passed for her. She was just being impatient.

"But I FEEL hungry!"

She didn't. She just wanted this moment to finally end. As I said, impatient.

"You'd be getting impatient too if you were stuck here like this, jerk!!"

Maybe. But I haven't been stuck there. Time's been moving normal for me.

"Who ARE you anyway-"

We're getting off track. Trash-chan started to notice that time was starting to go faster. In fact, so fast, she couldn't even process the visual of her flying through another 4 buildings before landing in another alley.

"OWOWOWOWOWOWOOWOWOWOWWWW.......Ow... Ow... I think... I think everything is broken...."

She'd be fine. Unbeknownst to Trash-Chan, she'd stumbled into the view of one very bizarre looking man wearing a white lab coat. He was probably a doctor!

"....Nyehehehehe...... I've never had a subject just fall into my hands before like this....." The lab coated man murmured.

....Maybe he's not a doctor.
