Chapter 4:
Short and Romantic, right?
Two children came out to hug erina!
Saruko : they have bruises, bruises all over their arms. What’s happening here?
Saruko: Are these your little sisters?
Erina: Yes, introduce yourself, you two.
The two children hid away behind Erina
Saruko: Scared? Why are they so scared of me?
Saruko: Hey it’s okay if they don’t want to.
Erina: sorry, they’re just a little nervous
Erina: Is dad home?
Sister 1: no, he said he had to go get something he’ll be back.
Erina: okay, let’s go inside.
Saruko : we’re walking inside now but now that I think of it she’s wearing a sleeved uniform and has leggings that show nothing, is she hiding something?
Saruko: You want me to go?
Erina: Yeah just follow me.
Saruko: I wonder how it’s going to be on the inside.
~ They’re now entering her home ~
Saruko: it doesn’t seem dirty at all. In Fact it’s spotless. However, it seems rundown and mostly everything looks old and torn.
Erina: You can just meet me in my room. I'll be right there, I just got a quick call to make. It’s down the hall on the left.
Saruko: um..okay!
~ Saruko has now entered the room ~
Saruko : Compared to everything else it seems so modern here, just not as much stuff.
~ Minutes later erina has now entered ~
Erina: For now we can just wait here until my dad has come.
Saruko: oh okay.
Erina: So you remember anything yet? Like anything at all?
Saruko: no not really.
Erina: Oh okay, I’ll try telling you some things about school, maybe that’ll jog something.
Saruko: okay.
Erina: Your name is Saruko Takahashi, you got to Yashio High school, hmm… uh that one guy was your best friend. You pay attention in school somewhat uh that’s all I can think of. Did it help?
Saruko: No, sorry. I still can’t remember anything.
Saruko : This girl really doesn’t know anything about me, why was I going to the library with her?
Erina: Don’t you have a phone you can try?
Saruko: Maybe, let me check. Oh yeah here it is!
Saruko: oh it’s not turning on.
Erina: It must’ve broken on the fall down.
Saruko: hey can I ask something.
Erina: sure.
Saruko: It doesn't seem like we really knew each other that well, so why are you helping me and why were we meeting up at the library?
~ Erina gets too embarrassed to say why ~
~ A loud bang comes from outside ~
Saruko: What was that??
Erina: father must be home, I hope he’s good!
Father *with a muffled voice*: Erina, kids. Where are you?
Erina: I’m going to go ask him about you. If you hear a scream, just run. Please, don’t ask any questions just go.
Erina: The windows cracked just go from there.
Saruko: um okay. but-
~ Erina leaves before he can say anything else~
Saruko: that was weird, something’s definitely not right.
~ Saruko then hears a scream, filled with so emotion, so much despair, he does what erina says in fear ~
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