Chapter 6:

"Weaving a Story," Part I: "Oh Brother, Where Have You Been?"

Angel of the Strait

August 9th, 1998. This was the day that Lavernius Goodhusband lost his life. Right before it had happened, Lavernius was washing clothes before another day of work. Another man, James Gutiérrez, is seen exiting his squad car wearing his regular L.A.P.D. uniform. He enters the laundromat with a basket of his own clothes and chooses the machine next to Lavernius who just started the cycle.

“Morning James.” Lavernius initiates his conversation with James.

“Morning Lavernius.” James replies.

Lavernius then whispers into James’ ear, “I have it.” He says with some hesitation. James looks with eagerness as Lavernius discreetly hands James his own wallet, “It’s in here, straight from the man himself.” James receives the wallet and places it in his pockets without looking too suspicious.

“Thank you Lavernius.” James replies softly and the two men cease talking and wait for their respective washing machines to finish.

Lavernius’ washing machine finishes its first load and he takes a basket of clothes toward the drying machines, soon James’ machine finishes and he collects his clothes and heads outside.

“You are not going to use the dryers?” Lavernius asks James with curiosity.

“They are too expensive these days, plus I have somewhere to be.” James responds and makes his way outside of the building.

James is soon stopped by another man who wears a similar suit to Lavernius, “Greetings James.” He says brightly.

“Morning Lexicus.” James responds with urge.

“How’s the morning?” Lexicus asks arbitrarily.

“It’s alright.” James responds quickly.

“Are you in a hurry?” Lexicus asks politely.

“I’m just excited to head down to my favorite coffee shop and have a doughnut.” James speaks with a shallow excuse to avoid interaction.

“If you are talking about what I think you are talking about, that establishment does offer quite the exotic flavors in terms of coffee. I can infer that’s what creates your enthusiasm.” Lexicus says with a blunt smile.

“What brings you to this part of the city Lex?” James cuts the conversation and begins to question Lexicus.

“Well I just had a business meeting that’s all, and I was shopping at the dollar store until I witnessed your arrival to this commercial center.” Lexicus says with another bold grin.

Confused, James continues to interrogate, “Does Sirius have anything to do with you speaking with me right now?”

“From the top of my head, you have not made it into countable discussions, I can theorize that there is little demand for your services, but I am aware of any possible calling.” Lexicus explains ambiguously.

“Well,” James states with discomfort, “It was nice seeing you Lex, but I’m going to get going now.” James finishes the conversation and begins to walk away.

“Do go James, I may encounter you later.” Lexicus finalizes his words with a smirk and James just keeps walking forward.

“Fucking weirdo.” James mutters.

James gets into the driver’s seat of his squad cars and drives off into the distance. Making his way through the somewhat tame streets of Los Angeles in the morning. He is headed for a specific destination, a destination at a coffee shop on the outskirts of Downtown.

James arrives at his destination in due time and paves his way inside. At the front desk works a young man who seems to be fresh out of high school. James recognizes this boy and proceeds to wait in line to speak with him.

James soon is at the front counter, “Hey Publius.” James says to the boy working the counter.

“Hey James,” Publius responds back, “would you like your usual?” He asks casually.

“Yeah, and can you add a Danish to that as well?” James politely asks.

“Sure thing sir.” Publius responds and retreats into the coffee making machines. After a short minute Publius returns with James’ coffee and speaks as he grabs a Danish from the display case, “So, have you had any business here in Downtown thus far?” Publius is curious as to what James has been up to.

“No, it seems that I’m not needed here at the moment. Lexicus told me that I don’t come up in discussions very often. I assume that Nero is making moves and so the family doesn’t need me.” James expresses as Publius hands him his Danish in a paper bag.

“Hell you’re lucky, I personally would appreciate any break I get. Working for the Arelius family is very exhausting. However, the pay is great.” Publius gives his input.

“I agree.” James concludes.

“Your total is eight dollars and seventy-five cents.” Publius states.

James pulls out his wallet, “It seems that the price just keeps rising.” James hands over exact change.

“Yeah, it seems that big chain coffee shops are starving us of customers, so we have to raise our prices to simply survive.” Publius explains.

James then pulls out an extra two dollars, “Here Publius, this is for yourself, keep up the hard work.”

“Thank you very much James, I’ll see you around.” Publius says his goodbye as James walks outside toward his squad car.